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Hanson announces run for Senate



* February 26, 2007


FORMER One National leader Pauline Hanson has announced she will run for the Senate in this year's federal election.


Ms Hanson late last year she would make a political comeback but did not say which house she would run for.


Today she told ABC radio she would stand as an independent for a Queensland seat in the Senate.


Ms Hanson entered politics in 1996 when she won the federal Queensland seat of Oxley and shocked many when, in her maiden parliamentary speech, she warned Australia was in danger of being swamped by Asians.


She was dumped from the Liberal Party for her strong views and began her own One Nation party, which she later left.


She has promised people can expect the same strong views from her when she runs in this election.


Late last year she angered refugee groups when she said African migrants had diseases such as AIDS, and that too many Muslims were being allowed into Australia to erode the Australian way of life.




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