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Wednesday: 285 Iraqis, 1 GI Killed; 295 Iraqis Wounded


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Isn't it strange that the Allies invaded and destroyed Germany in 1944-45, looting and raping (in the east), driving millions from their homes as refugees, with the country divided and reduced by one-fourth, self-government completely abolished, funny money issued, its former leaders on trial and the people impoverished and lucky if they had a roof to take shelter under ... yet Catholics and Protestants didn't start killing each other, Bavarians and Saxons, Hessians and Prussians etc did not start blowing each other up.


Maybe the religions and cultures of the Middle East have something to do with the situation in Iraq???





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Maybe the religions and cultures of the Middle East have something to do with the situation in Iraq???





You have a point. The Arabs are their own worst enemies in many ways. But at least the Iraqis had some stability under Saddam, pretty good schools and hospitals too.



This is where somebody tells us he ate Kurd babies for breakfast.

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Yeah. Remember the shit about the babies being taken from their incubators by Iragi invaders in Kuwait, the testimony of the tearful girl (who turned out to be the daughter of the ambassador of Kuwait to the US and an absolute liar), which really got the US behind the invasion?


The US spent years breaking the Iraqis down through sanctions, have we forgotton how many Iraqi children died beacause of the inavailability of medical supplies and so on?


Only once they had broken the country did they invade. Now something like 1 million are dead on top of the 500,000 or so who died due to sanctions.


Iran is next folks. There is a longer term strategy at play and it's not, "Let's bring democracy, freedom and prosperity to the people of the Middle East", it's more along the lines of "Let's kill as many of those Rag Heads as possible, or better yet, have them kill each other, and take the oil".


All in all it's about depopulation and stealing resources. It's all pretty sick.

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<< The US spent years breaking the Iraqis down through sanctions, have we forgotton how many Iraqi children died beacause of the inavailability of medical supplies and so on? >>



And that was mainly Clinton, the guy folks now claim was so great a prez.



<< All in all it's about depopulation and stealing resources. It's all pretty sick. >>


Sort of like Ulster?





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A lot of "Allah Akbars" must have been clamoured... That bloke's really a great sponsor...


If internet has taught me something... it's ducking or running fast when I hear allah akbar (that's because I don't carry a weapon)... cheap shot to blame americans for those mass killing and beheadings.


As a muslim I know likes to claim : a muslim never hurts another muslim

If you look for Denial on a grand scale... Islam is awesome...



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Funny though, isn't guys. In Pakistan, a country full of Muslims, crawling with terrorists and over-flowing with weapons, where wars are being fought on at least 3 fronts, they still come nowhere near killing as many of each other as the US citizens do.


In 2006, US citizens killed 10 times as many of their fellow citizens, per head of population, as did Pakistanis.



Hmm, this data would seem to refute your claims, Flasher & Kojis.


Last year, the number of Pakistanis killed in conflict was about 1,600.


In the US something like 16,000 people were killed in gun related incidents.

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