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How do you pronounce Fontella Bass?


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Thought I might get an answer here because I reckon this is where a lot of the oldsters hang out. (It's the kind of Washington Square of the board. :cool: )


How do you pronounce the 'Bass' of 'Fontella Bass' (the woman who sang the classic 'Rescue Me')


Does it rhyme with ace or ass? I know 'Who sang Rescue Me' is going to be a quiz question one day and I'll know the answer but won't know how to say it. :cussing: Besides, it's been driving me mad for years!


I was even searching YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtyJ1u4e5o8 in hope that I'd see her on an old TV show with an announcer saying 'And here's...[name pronounced]'. (.. but they didn't. :mad: )

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I was about to thank you, teddy, but now I'm beginning to suspect you may just be guessing and, what's more, you're using the northern English accent as the basis for that guess! :D


Mind you, there is Northern Soul... Hmmm..


I'm taking 'bass' like 'ass' as the sure answer. Bass the fish, not the musical instrument.

Thanks teddy! :thumbup:

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