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5 Important Qualities for a Woman to Have!


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My perfect woman:


1. Ability to remain silent during a football match.

2. Ability not to cross the invisible line between my good self and the tv during a football match.

3. Ability to keep hands OFF the remote control during a football match.

4. Ability to serve me cold beer during a football match (make that for the duration of my life).

5. Ability to understand my passion for football as well as avoiding the words "you'll win next time" or "it's just a game" after a loss.


Thank you!



If only Zaad, if only th_praying.gif


Whilst I was watching one of the last games of the season, my wife brought my two sons to sit with me. "It's about time you got them into football", she said. FFS they are not even two years old yet :banghead::banghead::cussing::cussing:


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