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Uk Blues


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Back in the UK for a few weeks. Worst June in living history with almost tropical storms, grey and dull skies. Okay, nice and cool compared to Bkk heat.


House prices ridiculous (but have one to sell so not complaining), the pound has battered through the 2 to a dollar mark (again, not complaining) and interest rates are up. Something has to give.


Costs the same to eat as Bangkok, except buy food in the supermarket rather than eating out.


Picked up a discarded copy of the Guardian, was gobsmacked by how crazily socialist it had gone - rich collumnists like Polly Tomboy screaming for massive tax rises.


Pending legislation changes - the tax man wants to take unpaid tax straight out of your bank or off your house when you sell it - without a court order.


And defacto wives to get the same rights as proper wives on divorce. 3000 new criminal offences already enacted in the past ten years (that works out at more than one a day if you discard the weekends!).


It all the non-politico's complaining what a useless bunch politicians are, they are out to prove their worth. With worthless laws!


Absolutely nothing anyone can do about it except cash in, move the dosh offshore and quick exit to paradise - except the same clowns are ruining things everywhere you go, including Thailand.

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Well ahead of the game there, mekong, I only did it in 2000 and rented out my house. I am fairly sure the government is going to clamp down further on non-residents so am selling everything up in advance.


Only thing I will miss is the five times increase in property price over the twenty year cycle (if you buy at the bottom and sell at the top, less if you get in and out at other times)! Not bad for an asset that you can either live in or rent out as well.





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Guest lazyphil

my neck of the woods is still very livable. scorn be poured on me for daring to say this!!!....read the angling times or something of interest to you instead of the guardian, its always been wank!

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