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World Owes US a Debt: Brown


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What's an Atlanticist? Someone from Atlantis???


<< Tony Blair enjoyed a close relationship with Mr Bush but there has been speculation that Mr Brown wants to keep his distance from the president. >>


That would make sense, since Bush's popularity right now is about the same level as Herpes and Bush will be history in another 17 months.



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Brown just has to wait out the president. The relationship will always be there no matter who is at 10 Downing or 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. I saw an interview with Major several years ago and he was discussing the 'special relationship' and said he's always heard of it running deep but didn't realize until he saw it first hand. He said the U.S. was sharing things that had he been the U.S. representative he'd have considered state secret.

The top man changes but the bureaucracy and high command of both governments and militaries know each other very very well on a personal basis and they are there no matter who is in charge at the top. They are career bureaucrats and military men.




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