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Day 13, multi climax


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Ode to youth and Pfizer!


Last night managed to stay single until I hit BWNN, where I usually arrive late, already BF'd up for the night.


This time, 11.30, alone, which for some reason suddenly got me engulfed with nekkid women, draping themselfves all over me, a constantly changing guard, as they came of stage and went back dancing after a cuddle, a diddle and a drink. Two especially stood out in terms of the energy with which they threw themselves at me, offering breasts for suckling and stroking, and orifices for exploration of degree of humidity. Both reasonably well endowed, firm well filled bodies, and new on board. Nr 1 proved to be 18, and although she was very tempting, it is against my (sanuk) religion to do nasty things with 18 yr olds, who usually turn starfish once in the sack with a 60 yr old.

Nr 2 was, 'oh horror', 20 years young, but proved of the entire hord the most persistent in her totally over the top lewd behaviour, so I capitulated and BF'd her.


I checked with her boss, KJ, if her age was reliable , he said 'yes, But SHE'S AN ANIMAL'


Truer words have rarely been said.


She was an animal, raw from the Isan farm three weeks ago, leaving behind her 6 months old baby to go and find income to help feed the poor child. What i didn't realise was her previous manner of feeding it was like any animal (well, mammal), until we were in bed and I vigorously sucked her wonderful firm breasts, and tasted sweet!


She was still lactating a bit, and with a laugh squeezed out a drop of milk for me. Another first for me.

She did all the things I hoped for with vigor and considerable success, mostly on own initiative, some by happily following my suggestions. Nice round but firm ass, not an ounce of flab or fat on this strong young body.

Since it was still early when we got home (1.00 AM), after that round we just lazed around, talked (Not a word of english except "Condom" and BoomBoom), drank a bit , listened morlam (Her real name is same as my very favourit morlam artist).


i had no intentions for another round until morning, because although i had perused a quarter of MrPizers famous patent medicine, I am getting to a stage of life where once a night and once a morning is usually enough. But she's young and still has that animal drive for procreation.


There I was, an hour later, simply playfully tweaking her most sensitive and delicious part, kind of absent minded, on auto pilot, with the aid of Mr Astroglide's high grade lube, when she suddenly started moving vigourously, grabbed my member, took very short time to make it rock hard again (thank you, Mr Pfizer), and shouted "CONDOM, CONDOM, Jaak Boomboom".


I simply didn't have a choice in the matter, and most of the work was done by her, popping up and down like she was on a trampoline. I don't know exactly what it did for her except she didn't want to stop, huge smile on her face, tight tits only slightly bouncing up and down. In the end, after considerable time I had to wrestle her around on her back again,then on her front face down, to give my severely mauled memebr an opportunity to put an end to it all.

She turned around and gave me a sweet smile.

'Chan Pai Nohn. Turned around to twine around me and went out cold.


I had a 9.00 appointment that morning in town, so my alarm went off at 7.30, then 3 minutes later the phone rang, reception wake up call. Slowly waking, I found her hand was stroking me, and in no time put me back into an aroused state. I'll spare you the details, but once again she had her beastly way with me, and 20 minutes later danced out of the door clutching her well earned baht. Her child will at least be well fed this week.


Detail; On getting dressed, she proudly showed me her new shirt, plain white loose T-shirt, and said 29 baht, Tesco, then her small shorts, 39 Baht, tesco, Bra 35 Bt, knickers, 20 Bt, and shoes 99 baht. 222 bt totally dressed her!


wish i'd known her when i was 20!

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Detail; On getting dressed, she proudly showed me her new shirt, plain white loose T-shirt, and said 29 baht, Tesco, then her small shorts, 39 Baht, tesco, Bra 35 Bt, knickers, 20 Bt, and shoes 99 baht. 222 bt totally dressed her!


OMG....I wish....LOL....


Cheers DC


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