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Oz STudent On Trial For Throwing Snowball


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I don't know if it is as simple as that. Three guys come up behind you while you are waiting for the bus with your boyfriend, one of whom throws a "hard-packed" snowball/iceball hitting you. Compound the scenario by the thrower being an adult male that you don't get along with at work and you being a female. Playful fun or harassment?

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I don't know if it is as simple as that. Three guys come up behind you while you are waiting for the bus with your boyfriend, one of whom throws a "hard-packed" snowball/iceball hitting you. Compound the scenario by the thrower being an adult male that you don't get along with at work and you being a female. Playful fun or harassment?



Yeah, but two years in prison?



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First, speculation it was a 'ice ball'. Second, lets say it was. Its deserving of jail time? At worst he should get fired for throwing it at a coworker.


My guess is the chick was angry at being thrown at. Understandable. Any of us would have. However, this woman thinks its deserving of his being dragged in court and possibly go to jail. A public apology would be good enough for any of us. How many of us (and I mean men) would drag a guy in court over some thing like that? A lot of people and many of them are either wussy men and the rest women, are seeking a legal remedy for everyday harmless incidents that occur between people.


A tossed snowball, a off color, even prejudiced remark, is now a court issue with jail time attached because its deemed an assault or hate crime to say a remark or what ever.


The west is raising a culture of pussies. A generation ago this would laughed out of court. It wouldn't even make it there. Her father and mother would have told her she was she was way over the top.


Okay, rant over..hehehe

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What the hell?????

I thought Europe was already a nightmare of PC....

So if I go to the US again and just stare in

"an agressive way" at a woman I suppose I will be prosecuted for inflicting "mental suffering" on another fellow human.



Seems that the chances I will travel again to US is the same as a snowball in hell



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