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Fidel Calls it a Day


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<< Belinda Luscombe in Time Magazine called Greer "the ultimate Trojan Horse, gorgeous and witty, built to penetrate the seemingly unassailable fortress of patriarchy and let the rest of us foot soldiers in," describing her as "a joy to read, an eloquent maniac." Angela Carter described her as "a clever fool", while former British Conservative MP Edwina Currie called her "a great big hard-boiled prat". "[Her] mind provokes us like no other," journalist Catherine Keenan wrote in The Sydney Morning Herald, "but for all the wrong reasons." >>




<< In 2001, she attracted publicity again for a proposed treaty with Aboriginal Australia. In 2004, Australian Prime Minister John Howard called her "elitist" and "condescending" after she criticised Australians as "too relaxed to give a damn" and derided her native country as being "defined by suburban mediocrity." She called Australia a sports-obsessed suburban wasteland devoid of cerebral stimulation. This prompted a lot of reaction, including reaction from Prime Minister John Howard who called her comments "pathetic". >>






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i remember when this happened, dozy bint, only a short distance from where i live, cant you ausies take her back!


julian, steve irwin was more productive in his relativly short life, promoting the love of wildlife, be it in a unusual way, and running a zoo than that fucked up woman will ever do in her life. shes sometimes on late night discussion programs on C4 pontificating about some crap with 3 or 4 equally uninspiring wanks on a sofa.

Yeah, Steve was ok, I could never watch him though... there were far better animal shows on TV. I'm not keen on what his Mrs is allowing to happen to that kid. I realise she's a big pay cheque but a normal childhood seems to be disappearing rapidly.

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McCain hopes Castro to "meet Marx soon"


INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner John McCain suggested on Friday that he hoped retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro would die soon and said Castro's brother will be a worse leader.


"I hope he has the opportunity to meet Karl Marx very soon," McCain told a town-hall style meeting of about 150 people, referring to communist theoretician Marx who died on March 14, 1883.




McCain, 71, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, has accused Cubans of participating in the torture of some of his fellow prisoners in Hanoi during the Vietnam War.






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