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Funny found this on another site :smirk: :cool:





1. Between December and March many farang walking ATM machines will come to your bar. Choose carefully! Everyone have money, but some have more than others. If his skin is very white, check that he is not dead. If not so, this is your lucky day since he must be a Japanese. Every bar girl know they will give you heaven and earth just for a kiss.


2. No matter how young and handsome he is, no matter how fun he is, make sure he understand you only go for money. Don't sit close to him before he has paid the bar fine. As soon he has paid the bar fine, you can let go and run your hands over his body, arousing him. Maybe he will not pay you, but your boss will not complain. Have fun this night for tomorrow only man you will get is a fat, ugly and smelly man.


3. Start collecting email addresses from all of your boyfriends. Since it will be your family's source to a life in luxury. Once you have a good collection of addresses, a visit to your local internet cafe is in order. All of those email addresses should be sent an email. Tell them that you want out of the bar scene and will wait for them to come back to Thailand on their annual four weeks holiday. But you will need financial support since you don't work in the bar anymore. It will not take long time before all of your five boyfriends will transfer money to your bank account every month. And if you should party too much and need some more money, just tell them you have been sick and have to pay hospital 5.000 baht. If that doesn't help never use the story about you being pregnant and the baby is his as it will soon or later backfire on you.


4. Practice crying on queue. Whenever something sad or bad happens - or even something that you just don't like, it is essential that you can produce tears immediately. This will have the effect of helping the walking ATM machine to see things your way!


5. When you get a customer for more than a week, make sure he takes you shopping at the nearest gold shop. Tell him that all your friends have so much gold but you have nothing. Make sure he buy enough gold so your friends will envy you. Later when one of your boyfriends forget to send the monthly money, a pawn shop is never far away.


6. To keep our trade secrets for ourselves do not speak Thai with your friends when locally based farangs are inside the bars. But rather u

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Allow me to continue, it's from Phuket NightLife.com


6. To keep our trade secrets for ourselves do not speak Thai with your friends when locally based farangs are inside the bars. But rather use Lao, Khmer or any other local dialects that you may know. It's bad enough that some of them can speak, and God forbid, some can even read Thai too, but Laos and Khmer should be kept as sacrosanct. Under no circumstances should the farang be taught our regional dialects.


7. Always see him off at the airport. Thai baht cannot be used in his country, so it is highly likely that he will give you all of his leftover as he leaves and says good-bye. Say no to the money, tell him you like him very much and don't need it. And if you have a few baht in your pockets give it to him so he understand you love him and not because of the big money he send you every month.


8. Search for Norwegian customers. They understand that we like to gamble as they do too. And since they have bad conscience for not taking care of their parents, they will always pay when your mother call the restaurant where you work, for you to send her more money. Your mother knows that since you work in Phuket you always have money.


9. Remember, when you get paid, you must always ask for money to Tuk-Tuk and give him the excuse that Tuk-Tuk drivers cannot give change on big notes. Do not let him know that you live only a few hundred meters from his hotel, instead tell him that you live in Karon. That should earn you another 200 baht. If Tuk-Tuk money isn't forthcoming, see rule #4.


10. If you are no longer making money in Bangkok, move down to Phuket where you will be able to start making money again. There are many elderly men in Phuket who will appreciate your long experience with men. Even if you are approaching 50, it is no problem as the elderly walking ATM machines appreciate inner beauty and more experienced women

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