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Who controls the world's oil?


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Gas over $4.00 a gallon and creeping toward $5.00.


Californians pay the highest gas prices in the nation and our highest grade gas is roughly $4.75 give or take where you buy it. There are some stations that have $5 gas for the highest grade.


The state's emission standards and refining standards are a bit higher than most states. Maybe all of them.

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The state of California stands to make as much as $5 billion dollars from the sale of gasoline because of the percentage they insert in the cost of each gallon sold.


Who knows how much the federal government will rake in.


The fact is that the government (state and federal) are going to make a killing off increased fuel to all of us.


With a recession here and not much room to raise taxes on an already over burdoned citizenry (we know they'll raise it no matter who gets in anyway) what incentive do they have for lower gas prices other than looking good politically. Financially they stand to gain if it stays high as it is.


Here in LA, the county bus systems have been running on natural gas for some time. A lot of the newer purchases of the city and county cars for traffic meter people, etc. are hybrids. It can be done. There is no collective will to demand it and no leadership in Washington or the state houses to make it so.


We have been weening ourselves of middle east oil specifically for some time. I've heard similar stats that we only get a smaller slice of the oil pie from the middle east.


I've said this on other threads and I'll repeat it. The G8 should all ban together and decide in unison to convert their economies from oil based to something else. The world has no choice but to follow. A lot more can be done with nuclear as well. However, cars can be hybrids or fuel cells or whatever. There needs to be a concerted effort and have a 'Manhattan Project' for alternate energy needs. I am 100% certain the answer is out there. The basic car engine has changed little in decades.


A change would create vast new industries and domestic jobs directly and indirectly related to it.


...and if elected...hahaha...my cabinet will be...Flashermac can you help me off my soapbox please?

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Shoot, I would love it for someone else to pay for a national defense.


The 1998 Embassy bombings in Africa, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in 2000, and the 9/11/2001 attacks were all quite expensive. Since 9/11 we have not been successfully attacked although others have. Any analysis of defense expenditures must account for benefits as well as outlays.

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