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How to Ruin the U.S. Economy-12 steps!


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This is good and ohhh soooo true!


1) Have a fiscal policy that creates immense deficits in good times and bad, burdening America's posterity with staggering burdens of repaying the debt.


2) Eliminate regulation of Wall Street and/or fail to enforce the regulations that already exist, instead trusting Wall Street and other money managers and speculators to manage other people's money with few or no regulations and little oversight...



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I wonder if GWB has any remorse or even gives a shit. I feel that he is responsible for most of it. The outcome for him will to get much richer after he leaves office.



He believes in the money should go to the top so it can trickle down down to the poor. The only problem with his philosophy is he didn't take into consideration the top would use corks.

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Funny, GWB was president two years ago when the US economy was growing faster than any other developed nation, the stock market was hitting all time highs, unemployment was much lower, gasoline was half what it is now, etc. I wonder what changed two years ago? Oh yeah, the Dems took over both houses of congress. But don't let inconvenient facts affect your BSD, folks.

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This is good and ohhh soooo true!


1) Have a fiscal policy that creates immense deficits in good times and bad, burdening America's posterity with staggering burdens of repaying the debt.


2) Eliminate regulation of Wall Street and/or fail to enforce the regulations that already exist, instead trusting Wall Street and other money managers and speculators to manage other people's money with few or no regulations and little oversight...





3. Let a wall street banker convince Congress in less than two weeks to hand him $700 billion to buy worthless paper from wall street banks.


4. Implement a housing policy based on the premise that all Amricans "deserve" to own a home. Its the American dream you see.


5. Convince Americans with limited income that the American dream is buying and owning a home.



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