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Obesity 'controlled by the brain'?


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The continuing slump in both EU and North American economies will act as a balance to this whereby millions will be reduced to the breadline and so remove their ability to consume anything but the most meagre of rations. This will essentially negate all and any concerns over problems with human obesity. It's natures way, we must not interfere. Just imagine, 10 years from now, slim white women, what a novelty!

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Seems the "sciencetists" can come up with anything these days....cant write, dyslexia, kids beating up other kids, hypertension defecit disorder, obesity well, seems its gene related.

Bollocks the whole lot, people are lazy and greedy. Parents have no control over their kids so they run amok. To be fair to parents, one smack could see them in court....ahh ya can't win.



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Guest lazyphil

spot on. as long as they shovel garbage down their necks, watch jeremy kyle and x factor and strictly come dancing and have plenty of ''me time'' its all ok.

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