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radioman last won the day on June 21

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About radioman

  • Birthday 11/17/1960

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    Bangkok - mostly
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  1. I'm watching "The Gold" at the moment, short - 6 part - series currently on BBC iPlayer or "those" sites. Tells the tale of the Brinks Mat robbery or rather the aftermath of how the crooks got rid of £26 million in gold bullion they didn't expect to find. Highlights some of the ineptitude present in 80's policing in the UK. I'm only halfway through it but an enjoyable watch. Very Sarf London.
  2. Hyatt Regency is my go to place at the moment. Located just past the soi 8 and soi 11 crossroads with suk. About halfway between Nana and Cowboy. So you have pretty much all of the peak Suk areas within striking distance. I have had no problem with entertaining a takeaway. A friend regularly uses the place and gets his tinder girls to pitch up at the club lounge for drinks before he "shows them the room"!
  3. Bamber Gasgoine, 87 Your starter for 10, no conferring. (Any other grisly brits on here will know)
  4. I hear you man. That shit really gets to me. Then there are people who refer to the personal number they use with their debit and credit cards as a "PIN number" 😡
  5. A big ass speed bump in front of every pedestrian crossing would fix a lot of issues.
  6. I think they recycle the numbers anyway, but the one I recall was quite petite and had a quite remarkable skill set. I've recently discovered a "new" one, off broadway so to speak but appears equally as proficient. Happy days in Bangkok at the moment.
  7. She was quite something.
  8. Absolutely no issue with the whole process. Thailand Pass application took less than 24 hours. I had prepared all the paperwork ahead of doing the online submission, including the cropped QR codes from my vaccination certificate as jpg files. At check-in in Doha the Qatar Airways staff wanted to see 4 documents: Passport Thailand Pass QR code Hotel reservation Insurance cert. All were checked that they had my name associated with them. The flight was full but non-eventful. The flight touched down at 06:30 and on arrival there were a lot of blue chairs arranged at the point where the concourse splits into the different arms. The wait here was a couple of minutes while the checked I had the TP paper. Then proceed to the desk where the TP QR code is scanned and confirmed against passport. Then on to immigration which was very smooth, no queue. A short wait for the bag then out to the arrival hall. Here the very efficient and smooth air-side process takes a dive. Very chaotic with half a dozen desks supporting a hundred hotels and several hundred people milling about in a small space, everyone looking for there hotel. I had booked at the Hyatt Regency on Soi 13. Not the cheapest but I felt re-assured that I might be getting a halfway decent service. They use Bumrungrad hospital which is barely a block away. At the airport the rep swiftly directed me to a black Toyota Camry outside and within a minute or two I was on my way into town. Friday morning traffic was much as I remember and it took a little while to reach the tollway exit adjacent to Sukhumvit Soi 1. From there it was straight to the pcr test at Bumrungrad, a drive through service that was complete in less that 2-3 minutes. and from there straight to the hotel on Soi 13. Check-in was nothing more than to check my name on the list and from there I was escorted to the room. Vey nice and the reason I chose the Hyatt. Being locked in a room for possibly 24 hours I wanted it to be at least pleasant. Other than being devoid of the usual room amenities it was very much as expected. I was in the room by 08:20. I settled in to do some work, watch a bit of tv and wait for the next day but the phone rang at around 5pm to say my test was negative and the result sent to my registered e-mail address. I phoned a friend and by 6:30pm we were downing cold ones at Viva on soi 8. So 12 hours from touchdown to beers on Sukhumvit, not too bad considering the state of play. It was a pretty wild night, lots of booze and lots of entertainment that lasted well into the next day, Seems Bangkok is developing a lot of hidden backroom speakeasy style joints to get around the 11pm lock down.. I had arranged for my daughter and son to drive into town the next day and fetch me and after lunch in Terminal 21 we made our way out of town and back home. It's been a year and 5 months that I've been away, I'm fortunate to have a well paid contract at the moment and in a way have taken advantage of the difficult travel situation to get my head down and crack on with work. That and knowing that I could not manage another 14 days in quarantine which has kept me away from home for so long. So home for a month I plan a lot of catching up at home as well as fun evenings out in town.
  9. Thanks for the info KS. I was scheduled to fly in on Nov 12 but an urgent work requirement had me fly to Denmark for a week which meant delaying until Dec 2. Company is picking up the bill for my lost hotel/PCR test and insurance. First time around the TP took about 5 days, that was right at the beginning of the scheme. Last Monday evening I filled in the TP application again and woke up Tuesday morning with the email in my inbox to say it was approved, barely 12 hours. I will stay at the Hyatt Regency on Suk who partner with Bumrungrad, hopefully all will be smooth.
  10. I wonder if this is also related to a change in the bank insurance limit being reduced from 5 million to 1 million. All rather starts to suggest that nervousness about bank's ability to repay investors is increasing.
  11. TV Series, Upload An odd one, future based afterlife romcom series, er, I think. Kind of okay and not in the least bit heavy watching, almost bubblegum with a hint of intrigue. Easy on the eye watch in the shape of Andy Allo. ***1/2
  12. I think I've watched every one of these from the time they were originally shown. It's become a bit formulaic over the 6 seasons, perhaps not surprisingly so given the subject and objectives. I still think it is a brilliant set of series and a solid benchmark for assessing similar. I'll reserve comment on season 6 so as not to add a spoiler. Worth a watch, 4-4.5 stars.
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