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What to do in Hat Yai


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For sanook, you're much better off going to Songkhla.


Nice coastal area, nice beach. Stay at the BP Samilla Hotel.


Good seafood there too, and a MUCH nicer atmosphere than Hat Yai which is pretty grotty.


No gogo bars there, but there are a few beer bars in an area called "The Dark Side" which is isn't very appropriately named - not much dark about it, and in a safe area!


Lots of pissed oil rig workers there if you go at the wrong time though, and they can be pretty hard-core partiers.

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My O & G buddies are probably the ones legless in that part of town. They go beyond the call of duty if you know what I mean!


Hat Yai though is a pretty lame scene overall for 'action'. But the bars and clubs aren't too bad for casual hanging out in and seeing what's what.

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