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'Illegal' Saudi women's gym shut


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>>I haven't heard of the Hassidim flogging or stoning anyone in Jerusalem/Al Kuds lately either.

... better catch up with the news then .. happens quite frequently http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/176863


>>How do you compare a few thousand Jewish nutters with Saudi judges who have the power of life and death over their nation's citizens?

... both equally looney. And don't forget it’s your government that props up both Israel and Saudi Arabia with your tax $$.


>>Seems to me you are the one with a hang up.

... my hangup is I don't like racism or (before LazyPhil jumps in) religionism or any other sort of bigotry.


It’s become acceptable almost fashionable now to be Islamophobic, just as it was the norm in Nazi Germany to dehumanize Jews and turn a blind eye when they and their property was destroyed, or just as it was normal to make African Americans sit at the back of the bus or use separate toilets and drinking fountains, or lynch them for wolf whistling at a white woman.


I think you regard it as some sort of warped patriotic duty since 911 to vilify all things Islamic. When your real enemy is the Zionist lobby on Capitol Hill, who got your country and mine involved in a futile war in Iraq costing the lives of thousands of allied personnel, and will get you involved in another one soon unless a just peace agreement is reached in the Middle East.




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Ask yourself this question. If any other group (religious or political) had done the same thing, would it be newsworthy? Out of the thousands of post I have made, just what percent had anything to do with Islam or Muslims? Are we supposed to ignore idiotic or atrocious things if done by one group but not others? That is a bizarre attitude.


You actually seem like a nice bloke who feels that peace in the Middle East would be possibly, if only those nasty Zionists would allow it. But did the Zionists cause the war between Iraq and Iran? Are the Zionists behind the extremists who are blowing up buildings and people in Pakistan? How would a just peace for the Palestinians end the hatred between Shiite and Sunni? The Middle East is a mess - and has been ever since the Ottoman Empire was defeated and the independent Arab nations replaced it. If Israel were to disappear tomorrow, the violence would not go away.










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I suppose you caught me on a bad hair day when I posted.


I had just watched a BBCWorld Panorama programme about the forced eviction of Palestinian families in Jerusalem from homes they’d lived in for generations to make way for American Zionist settlers, one of whom was recorded shooting an unarmed Palestinian in cold blood in front of his child…. no arrests.. self defense claimed. Then I tune into the net news and read about Israeli settlers burning mosques on the West Bank, their leader claiming “ it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews if their presence causes danger to Jews ….. including their children, if it is clear they will grow up to harm us" http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8465006.stm.


Have I entered a time warp? Am I back in Berlin in 1938 on Kristallnacht or Mississippi in 1964?


Then I check my emails and there’s a swathe of “raghead†jokes from friends who’ve caught the fashionable Islamophobic bug, then I log onto thai360 and there’s the bogeyman Muslim/Arab being vilified yet again. So I’m afraid you copped my full wrath… well only half wrath. Should see me when I really lose it.


Of course, you are quite right to expose these evils. I find the way Saudis, Taliban and any extremists treat their women as absolutely barbaric….. enslavement, forced under age marriages, jailed and beaten for being rape victims, clitorectomies, honour killings. I’m aware of it all, and am appalled by it.


But I am also appalled by this fad of stereotyping all Muslims as the bogeymen, so that the waters become muddied to cover other injustices.


>> If Israel were to disappear tomorrow, the violence would not go away

… Israel is not going to disappear…. too powerful for that. But I would like the US to bring pressure to get both parties together for a just peace agreement. They were cheering Obama at Cairo University when he brought hope of Middle East Peace. It would take the wind out of extremists’ sails.


I agree with you about one thing though: those Zionists are indeed very nasty people – the tail wagging the US dog. Bush’s neo con advisers Freith, Perle, and Wolfowitz have got you involved in one futile war in Iraq. As sure as squattlement houses, the US will be dragged into yet another war of Israel’s making.


Fuck me dead… I bet you didn’t think you were going to get this diatribe when you copied and pasted the other morning. I’ve got too much time on my hands at the moment. Back in Pattaya, Oz stock market closed for Australia Day, and my afternoon delights root hasn’t turned up yet.




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Israel-Palestine is really a mess. But don't forget that some 800,000 Jews had to flee their homes in Arab lands in 1948 - almost the same number as the Palestinians who had to flee theirs. The Jewish refugees were all resettled decades ago. Why haven't the Palestinian refugees? The logical answer is because certain Arab leaders want to use them to keep the pot boiling.


Politics takes priority over reason in the Middle East. The world is a rather nasty place, but in certain regions nastiness seems to be dominant.



<< it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews if their presence causes danger to Jews ….. including their children, if it is clear they will grow up to harm us" >>


I think it was Gen Phil Sheridan, ex-Union Army in the Civil War, who said of the Plains Indians: "Kill 'em all, nits make lice."


Nice to know that mankind has progress. :(




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Of those 800,000 Jewish refugees, how many were from the region originally and how many were refugees/settlers from Europe?


The argument for years has been that Jewish immigrants from all over the world have come to Israel and pushed out the Palestinians establishing an almost apartheid like system in the process. True or not, that is the argument they make. Well that and the argument that the whole mess was created by outsiders. :stirthepo



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Ok the article sort of proves my point, that is, the Jewish refugees were from other countries, not internally displaced from what was Palestine. Where as it appears (might have it wrong) that the Palestinians were displaced from their own country and became refugees in other countries...


Point is, I can see an argument coming as it always does with this topic. And if the board is indicitive of the world view, there cannot be an intelligent non biased discussion about this, and thus no real resolution.

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