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CNN Backstory piece: inside temple


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Today I saw a CNN report on the program BackStory, with a woman reporter (did not catch the name sorry) who was inside the temple grounds that protestors had been instructed to go inside if they wanted to remain safe when the soldiers moved in to clear Rajraprasong(sp).


The crowd was strangely quiet. The reporter eventually came upon about 6 dead bodies which were under blue tarps. A witness mentioned that soldiers came in and viciously shot at people, including someone who was only giving medical assistance.


The strange thing was that in this program, a black title card came up after each of these witnesses spoke saying something like "The government says that these shootings took place before they had advanced to this area". They showed this at least twice during this segment.


Since this was CNN, I guess someone else out there must have seen it.


Is there anything out there about this incident? Just wondering how this happened, or what happened.


I remember that this was supposed to be the safe haven for protestors who did not want to fight to go to.



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It seems as if there's another thread on this topic (with more suitable title) so any discussion on this let's pick up over there.


I'm not as able to dismiss it as "collateral damage" cuz we are talking about the place designated in announcements as "safe".


Given what's all happened prior to this, it seems as if there must be something more to this.


A few possibilities (as mentioned above) do occur to me but probly not even a good idea to mention before there's more facts to go on. I can say it's not something the protestors who were there (on camera at least) are willing to dismiss as collateral damage.

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