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List of broke Pro Players grows


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Tiger Woods is not yet broke, but, he may be on his way.


TIGER WOODS is banned from letting girlfriends near his kids in a divorce deal netting his ex a record £500million


£500million is now approx. $700 million. So, his wife Elin picked up slightly more than $100 million per year of marriage to Tiger.


While Tiger can afford this settlement, he is losing a significant amount of $ from sponsors and his golf game has suffered. And, who knows what future flings will cost him.


So, in a few years, Tiger may be able to claim to be not only the first billionaire athlete but, also, the first one to declare bankruptcy.

Should have listened to Dad who told him, "in this day and age, there is no reason to get married".


Its in our DNA to some extent. I think its a male thing to want a lot of ass but also to have someone all the time. Maybe its a cultural thing drilled into us, I don't know. However, I will agree there is no good reason to get married. If you're Tiger Woods and a girl says she wants somethng permanent or else she goes, who has the advantage?


No girl wants to be the one who walked out on Tiger Woods and he never came running. Your friends would think you're a nut. Stay and get the perks girl, is the advice they'll tell you. The jewelry, trips, etc.


I would say the same for kids. You don't have to be married to have a kid. Its great to have two parents, if you need to procreate that bad then you really should be over the extra marital stuff.



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