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NFL helmet to helmet hits


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Meaningless addition nobody gives a shit about, but... I'm a little richer and enjoying some cranberry/vodkas:


Just won on Auburn again. They were favored by 7. Crushed Old Miss, 51-31.


Got money on Oregon against USC too. Oregon favored by 6. Currently up by 4. We'll see how this one pans out.


Looks like sushi is on the menu tomorrow. :)

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I won't be much help Flash. I do think Auburn are overrated in a weaker than usual SEC. I still think 'Bama is the best team in the country and will probably beat Auburn in the Iron Bowl. I hope and pray I'm wrong. Ohio State and then Oregon is my opinion on who is the best.


Auburn's defense is not good and defense wins national championships usually. Cam Newton is legit though. He's gonna be a 'good un' as they say in the south.


Dave, I uesd to gamble a lot on sports. Without sounding too immodest I was fairly good at it and was plus most weeks. I was taught a lot of good things from some older, successful gamblers. First, NEVER bet on your favorite teams. Keep emotion out of it all. The problem why a lot of people lose they told me is that they a) bet emotionally instead of objectively and B) gamble for the rush.


Not saying you are as you seem to know what you're doing but a caveat for those others on this thread. My niche was college basketball in small conferences. I learned that the big boys are usually off on the spread because a) there are just too many schools. Every college has a basketball team, not all can afford a football team. Its too expensive. B) they oddsmakers concentrate on the big NCAA schools. They make the money and that's where 90% of the gambling money is going. I used to regularly bet schools like Bradley, Northern Iowa, James Madison, NC Wilmington, Creighton and before they were known, a small northwest school called Gonzaga. The year Ucnnn won the tournament several years ago I rode the 'Zags and they covered just about every game including the one they lost to UConn.


There were other 'tricks' I learned such as making money in pre season NFL. Coaches that are in the hot seat are gonna establish a winning atmosphere so they are gonna try and win their preseason games. Some coaches didn't care. Marv Levy when he was the Bills coach could give a rats about winning a preseason game. I would also bet the over on some preseason games where there was a battle for who is going to start at QB. Each QB gets a half and they know they aren't going to win the job handing off to a RB, so they air it out and that either results in TDs or INTs. Either way, points are being scored.


Some old adages like 'never ask a bad team to win'. You can ask them to cover but NEVER to win. A bad team will always find a way to lose. Its the team mentality. In college basketball, all things being equal, bet the better coach. If the game is close its the better coach that wins those games.


Oftentimes a college football power's early schedule is a small school that is coached by his former assistant. He puts them on the schedule not just because he's padding the schedule as most big schools do early on but also to give his former assistant some tv money from being on national tv. Usually he won't run up the score and embarass his former assistant and his assistant wants to show his mentor he can coach so those games oftentimes a cover for the underdog.


The week before a huge game, a college football or basketball team has an easy game. Bet the dog. The coaches have been preparing that team to face the big opponent and the players are looking ahead. They'll win but they oftentimes don't cover. Coaches also pull the star players to avoid injuries and sometimes even rest them which obviously helps the dog.


I stopped gambling several years ago. At the time I met some church girl and started going back to church and felt guilty excusing myself during service to call my bookie. My girl at the time didn't like that either. Never got back into it after we broke up. I could walk away from it anytime and started to concentrate on other things.

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Nice thoughtful post. Caught me off guard.


My favorite gambling story is of Stuey Ungar. Card playing prodigy, and when he won the WSOP two years straight people began to look at it as more than just a game of 'luck.'


But all the winnings he amassed he pissed away on sports betting. Died of an OD, alone and in debt, in some flophouse hotel (I think).


I rarely bet on games, and when I do it's a small amount. A big chunk of my paycheck goes into CDs which I don't touch, as I plan to take off a year or two and see some life.


But I liked your post.



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Sorry, you rekindled some old memories and I went off on one of my long winded posts. You should know better than to give me a reason to that. LOL.


Good idea to put money in CDs, for the amount of research and time I did gambling, I would have had a much better return analyzing the stock market or something else with a better return.

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