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I would have thought that Math of all school subjects would be the most similar between countries, but I might be wrong.


I was taught formulas like this: 4x2 + 7x = 432

Our daughter is doing her homework on the PC at the moment and the formula on her screen reads: 4y2 - 9y + 55

And she has 2 fields below it: (+y)(-y)


I honestly have no idea how you could solve that formula (there's no equation, so every value you can think of for y would work). I'm guessing the math is supposed to be the same, but the teaching method is totally different for sure.




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Having looked at her doing them, I get the impression that is actually "4y2 - 9y = +55"


And both y's can have a different value. Still doesn't make much sense though, as I would think the y's should then both be a different letter.


Oh well, maybe I am looking at this too logically :)




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4y2 - 9y = 55


This appears to be a quadratic equation. I never was very good at maths :dunce:, but assuming it is, there are 2 values of y which will satisfy it, +5 and -2.75. You can substitute them in to prove it.

When there are no simple factors for a quadratic equation of the form ax2 + bx+ c then the quadratic formula can be used::

x = -b +or- sqrt (b2-4ac)/2a.

Using the quadratic formula for 4y2-9y-55=0 yields y=+5 or -2.75.


Solution courtesy of my old Maths teacher Mr Knutsen from decades past. God bless his soul. :p


There's a nice primer on quadratic equations here:



[apologies if you'd got this far already!].

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