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NYT on Yingluck Shinawatra


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You could characterize it as the monarch network against the capitalist (which include the provincial strongman families). The brilliance of Thaksin’s current campaign is the way he has co-opted both the Thai and foreign left wing into supporting him and opposing the Thai Democrat Party.


One poster on New Mandela (See comment #48 ) has compared this to the German Communist Party’s position that the Social Democrat Party was the main enemy (actually they were competing for leadership of the working middle class) and the Nazi Party actually shared a common goal.


Of course, by the time they realized their mistake; Hitler was already in power and destroyed the German Communist Party shortly thereafter. Ernst Thälmann ( Link ), the main proponent of this policy of alliance with the Nazi’s against the Social Democrats ended up in a concentration camp for 11 years before being shot on Hitler’s orders in 1944.


I especially like his statement:


The only enjoyable part of a Thaksin return would be waiting a year or so and then looking at some of the red faces of those that have gone along with that idea.



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