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Sure, South America Is An Alternative To Thailand ...


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I periodically make the mistake of reading posts on TV, and one of the most popular is that old chestnut - 'where can old codgers go when they price/kick us out of LOS ?'. Amusingly, in addition to the obvious (Brazil - good luck with the cost of living in a country that is going gangbusters..), there are some real doozies. Ecuador, Colombia and El Salvador (wtf ?) spring to mind, but Bolivia is in there somewhere. Granted, any tropical location has its perils, but this is a hell of a deterrent for mine. Horrific at 28 - imagine having to deal with this at 68 ....




SYDNEY woman Ally Vagg and her boyfriend Bryan Williams are living a South American nightmare, stranded in Bolivia because they are infected with rare flesh-eating parasites that crawl out of their skin.


The Gold Coast Bulletin reports Ms Vagg, 28, and her Gold Coast boyfriend had returned from a dream trip to the Amazon basin last month with what they thought were infected mosquito bites.




But when the pair started to feel something squirming under their skin and occasionally poking its head out of some of the open wounds, the couple made the horrific discovery that they had human bot fly infection.


Fly larvae had been living under their skin, feeding on their flesh. The maggots eventually crawl out of the host body and become large densely haired bot flies that resemble bumblebees.


Ms Vagg and Mr Williams, who have already pulled seven of the worm-like larvae from wounds on their stomach, back and legs, said they had battled language barriers, "useless'' doctors and a third world medical system in Bolivia.


According to medical advice on the bot fly, up to 50 eggs could be living in each wound.

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