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War Weapons Seized During Series Of Raids


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A large number of war weapons and ammunition was discovered yesterday in raids associated with the ongoing campaign initiated by the National Council for Peace and Order.


The grace period for people to give up weapons they possess ends next Tuesday, after which a sustained crackdown will begin.


In Chachoengsao province, a joint police-military team raid on the home of a former village head resulted in about 50 handguns and rifles being seized along with more than 500 rounds.


The suspect, Wanchai Theerarattanakhet, reportedly admitted he used guns for sports, but said the war weapons found in his home were not his.


In Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai district, a drug raid on 15 targets turned up an AK47 assault rifle and munitions along with two hand grenades and some 158,000 amphetamine tablets.


A raid in Chiang Saen district on Wednesday resulted in the seizure of an M16 assault rifle and equipment, plus a large number of explosives and detonators used in a milling business with an expired permit for the explosives.


Rayong police retrieved a large number of explosives and weapons found abandoned in Muang district. The items include 13 M79 rounds, three grenades and three homemade pistols.


In Pattaya, police found four hand grenades and one smoke grenade abandoned by Jomtien Beach Road III.


Police said the grenades were usable despite their weathered condition.




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I would be pretty amazed if a 1960s grenade even worked right.



Remember that quite a few thrown at the whistleblowers did fail to go off. So did some of the M79 rounds, which was virtually unheard of in RVN.


p.s. The artillery in RVN was still firing old ammunition - Korean War vintage. One gunner told me he even saw rounds dated from the late 1940s.

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WWII bomb era worked okay... heard it when it went off.


Found another one at Bang Sue railway yard the other day. The rail yards were bombed heavily during WWII, since the Nipponese gents were using them. (Bang Sue is where the rail lines all meet - north, south, northeast - before entering Bangkok. Logical place to shut them down.)

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Zip guns, homemade ... I saw some even in the 1970s. Back then they were usually made for a 5.56mm military cartridge, the M16 round. Nowadays, it seems many are chambered for a 12 gauge shotgun cartridge. Quite popular with the vocational students for their wars on each other.

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