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Happy Straya Day To All The Aussies On The Board


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Very refreshing, and again raises the question,


"Why would these folks want to go to a country full of infidels, public women and alcohol etc. Then try and convert it into a barren, rock strewn sandpit like they came from?"


Wouldn't it:


a/ be easier to stay home?

b/ be a sin to leave the wonderful society they've built and expose themselves to western hedonism?


On the other hand, good that they have a right to peacefully protest without being lynched.


And good that the Aussies gave them 'what for'.


BTW "Where are the Women?" is a phrase we all should remember if we encounter like situations.


And calling them ZZtop is unwarranted, it's an insult to American Rock and the god of American Rock, Arthur Brown who could realistically unleash Fire on events like this.



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