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Cursed conjunctivitis


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Yes, I suggest everyone, especially contact lense wearers, to use 'natural tears' every night before sleeping (even if drunk, just put them in before hitting the sack!)




I am currently in Shenzhen, China. I had yet 'another' outbreak of conjunctivitis. China does not have any 'tear' machines.




Could anyone recommend a good opthomologist in BKK with a tear machine.




Cheers and everyone take care while having fun.




God bless.

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The Facts






Conjunctivitis is a common eye condition. It's an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the white of the eye and the inside of the eyelids. Within this membrane, there are tiny blood vessels and, when the conjunctiva become irritated, these blood vessels enlarge. The enlarged blood vessels make the eye look red.










The most common cause of conjunctivitis is viruses, but other causes include bacteria, allergies, and chemical or environmental irritants. The term "pinkeye" is used to describe conjunctivitis that is contagious (caused by bacteria or viruses).




Viral conjunctivitis is caused by the same viruses that are also often responsible for the common cold. The common cold is highly contagious, and anyone can transfer the virus to his or her eye by blowing their nose with their eyes open or rubbing their eyes.




Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually more severe and is caused by various types of bacteria. Bacterial conjunctivitis is also contagious. It normally clears up spontaneously or after a short course of antibiotic eye drops or ointment.




Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious and usually occurs in the spring and summer. It is usually triggered by exposure to plant pollen and grasses. People who are allergic to animals or dust mites may be affected year-round.




Chemical or irritative conjunctivitis also is not contagious and is caused by exposure to irritants including:




foreign objects




chlorine from swimming pools




contact lens solutions


intense light (i.e., snow blindness)


injury to the eye


Symptoms and Complications






Signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis include:








burning, scratchy or gritty feeling


pus-like discharge


sensitivity to light


Serious complications of conjunctivitis are very rare.




Making the Diagnosis






If someone's eye is bloodshot and inflamed, they may have conjunctivitis. If a person has a cold and suddenly develops red eyes with no great discomfort, it may be viral conjunctivitis. If the eyes get red and itchy at the onset of pollen season, it is probably due to allergic conjunctivitis. Both viruses and bacteria tend to start in one eye and make their way across to the other after 2 to 5 days. However, if the irritation stays in one eye only, it's possible that a foreign body or chemical is causing the irritation.




A doctor or health care professional should be consulted if:




there is pain, altered vision, severe redness, or unusual sensitivity to light


self-treatment for more than 2 to 3 days does clear the irritation


the irritation worsens or has been present for more than 2 days


Treatment and Prevention






Treatment of conjunctivitis depends on the original cause. Applying cool compresses 3 to 4 times a day and using eye drops such as artificial tears can help viral conjunctivitis.




Artificial tears or antihistamine eye drops can relieve allergic conjunctivitis. Steroid eye drops can be prescribed sparingly for extreme allergic reactions.




If bacteria are the cause of conjunctivitis, antibiotic eye drops or ointments are usually given.




People who are around someone with infectious conjunctivitis should avoid touching the person's face or hands or any items they have handled. They should wash their hands frequently, and avoid sharing towels, pillowcases, face cloths, or soap with anyone who is infected. People with conjunctivitis should wash their hands, towels, face cloths, and pillowcases frequently; this will help the conjunctivitis clear up faster. For people who use eye makeup, they should throw it out and buy a fresh supply - makeup is likely to cause a reinfection.




Children should be taught to blow their noses carefully and to cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. Some children have a habit of wiping their nose with an upward motion of the palm. Try to discourage this.




Conjunctivitis caused by allergens or irritants isn't contagious but it's difficult to avoid. People can't foresee everything that might bother their eyes. Steering clear of obvious irritants is the best solution; wearing goggles when swimming, for example, or avoiding smoke-filled rooms.







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