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Thais Racist?


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Quote: "as usual you generalise and spread completely wrong information.




>permanet residency does not give you an automatic right to work here.<




wrong. unless you are on a retirement visa on which you are not allowed to work, one of the conditions of applying for permanent residency is having been here in thailand for at least 3 years on a work permit."




I will ignore the personal attack ("as usual you YOU generalize and..."), and focus on the facts. Because it is hard to verify individual claims about having to pay farang rates, I suggest we stand back, pause for a second, and focus on something that is objective and can be readily assessed - your contention that I was wrong when I said "permanet residency does not give you an automatic right to work here."




If someone is wrong about something basic as this, how can their assessments on other matters be trusted?




Here, Thai law is clear. Permanent residency does not automatically give you a right to work here. Even if you are a permanent resident, you still need to independantly apply for and meet the requirements for obtaining a work permit. flyzonewall is demonstrably wrong this point.




Because he is demonstrably wrong on this point, it calls the credibility of his other points into question. It is hard to assess the veracity of any one person's report on what he is encountered in individual encounters at national parks, etc, but it is easy to assess this claim about Thai law. And when a poster gets something this basic wrong, can you really trust anything they say about Thailand??





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I almost always chat with the taxi drivers. Some don't give a sh*t about anything or anybody, but most enjoy talking during the drive. They often mistake me for a retired officer --colonel or so -- and figure I'm living high on the hog on my pension. But I inform them that I was a conscript (just as they were) and turned down an infantry commission, and then we can begin bitching about the military and ripping apart the government like old friends. :-)




But there are plenty of folks -- some on this board too -- who are quite hostile to cabbies. Accuse them of being crooks, ripping them off (yeah, for a whole US dollar or two) etc etc. Not surprising if some taxi drivers are wary of Farangs.




Get them talking about the Nigerians some time, if you want to hear stories. If it's racism, at least it comes from things that have really happened to them!




p.s. Are Thais racist? Nah, just nationalist. Same same most folks.

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smart man, how do you get a permanent residency without already having a workpermit?




you may doubt whatever i say about thailand, but fortunately more than enough posters know me personally so they can verify that i talk facts. when i am wrong in some point, i have no problems to accept and acknowledge that as i am just human.


you already once ignored one poster who verified me after you accused me of a lie, so i guess no amount of verification will convince you otherwise.


i already once offered a bet that i can prove my posts about thailand, you chickened out.


you seem to prefer to live in hate and paranoia than listen to reason.


i truly feel sorry for you.



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hey flash,


could you do me a favour and tell that gadfly guy that i am no bullshitter, that i have seen loads of crimescenes here in thailand (he accused me once that i was lying about that), that i am living here and most of the time do very factual posts, so that the guy just shuts up.





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I don't disagree that there is racism in the U.K. or the U.S. But what I find most troubling about the racism in Thailand is that the official government organs claim on economic grounds that practices that would be considered racism in the U.S. are not racist. And such shallow explanations are blandly accepted here.




I am certainly not anti-Thai (this comment is not directed to Fiery Jack, but another poster here). Indeed, I am astounded that anyone would accuse someone of being anti-Thai because they report that there is racism in Thailand. That is a bit like saying that an American who admits and opposes racism in America is not a true patriotic American or somehow anti-American.




I think the more sober minded will immediately see the dangers with such arguments and attacks. In Thailand, there has been a cynical manipulation of nationalism over the last few years. Again, this is not an anti-Thai comment. Indeed, I could and do make the same comment about the U.S.




"The last refuge of a scoundrel is patriotism." Samuel Johnson. Unfortunately, it has also become a very popular refuge over the past year or so in certain political quarters, and this has lead to a dangerous rise in xenophopic nationalism.

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same thing as before. after gadfly accused me of being a lyer when, in another thread, i posted that i have been at many crime scenes here in thailand, and jazz verified me, gadfly ignored me. i offered to gadfly too that i could prove him personally that i did not lye, he just made a sarcastic remark that he would have better things to do than meeting me.



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