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Shibuya last won the day on October 29 2023

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  1. Anyone remember an American bar owner (his bar was on Soi 3 near where Nana House is now” Called himself “Rolliefiners” on the old Bangkok nightlife Yahoo groups. Probably around 600 pounds with shaggy dark hair. not looking to BF him or anything, just remembered recently his bar was the first i ever visited in Thailand
  2. Very sorry to hear this. This forum was so important to me when I moved to Thailand RIP
  3. It sort of fits into that underlying racism that a lot of the old farts who wander up and down Sukhumvit have. Plus that ignorance of these kind of people “why don’t the police stop them??” And as mentioned before, the type of stickman reader who thinks the whole of Thailand revolves around blokes who drink in pubs on the lower Sukhumvit.
  4. Stickman had published the exact same email 2 weeks in a row! Not surprised, insight like this deserves to be spread far and wide
  5. It’s heavily inferred that it was a result of the COVID vaccine and Stick follows that up with his own opinions on the jab. Anyone reading that would think he had his leg amputated due to the “severe adverse reaction” to the AZ jab. clumsy or deliberate?
  6. Being a bit naughty here, @Stickman? Heavily implying Dave lost his foot due to the COVID vaccine?
  7. That email speculations that Thaksin might not be popular with expats due to his policies possibly increasing the ST price in Soi Cowboy was a stone cold classic
  8. Know loads of people like this. Seemed to meet most of them around COVID with their galaxy brains and comments on closing Nana Plaza being devastating for the Thai economy. Do these people ever even glance up at the skyscrapers clearly visible from lower Sukhumvit and wonder what exactly it is that goes on in there? spoke to one bloke recently who wondered aloud if Thai Airways was struggling financially because Orchard Towers in Singapore closed down and that’s how they made their money
  9. Some pretty funny letter in stickman this week. Do people really think the police aren’t involved in what’s going on? “And it’s no accident that they congregate in the Farang area. That’s where the biggest demand is” No, it’s just where they allow them to sell it. Biggest demand is with the millions of Thais who use. Not that anyone who reads stickman is aware of Thai people who have nothing to do with the bar scene
  10. Actually I’m the same. From Salford but moved near Leigh when I was a teenager. Still, quite the coincidence
  11. Fucking hell, another Leyther! leigh is the place to be at the moment, tho but. Wembley soon
  12. no, I do not understand what you mean. You need to contact the Police and if that doesn’t work, write to @Stickman
  13. Used to know one bloke who drank in LK Metro. Every girl he took back to his room ended in disaster, always over complicating things, confusing/creeping out the girls and having to get security to come to his room. A bitter, angry man who 8 times out of 10 would have a problem with his bill at the end of his night in a sports bar. The last person on earth you would take advice from, which didn’t stop him from dispensing his wisdom on how to deal with girls in Pattaya to everyone he met.
  14. I love the race back to the bar. Him on the Songthaew (obviously) her on the motorcycle. Red faced, eyes bulging, spitting with anger. I DEMAND TO SEE THE MANGER!! And then to write to someone about it and offer his sage like advice on how to deal with these people. I feel sorry for the girls, I really do.
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