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Everything posted by waerth

  1. Actor Alan Rickman ......... http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/alan-rickman-dead-read-his-heartfelt-goodbye-letter-to-harry-potter-fans-a6812066.html
  2. waerth


    When do we get a thread called whitemaleactingasthaifemaleness ?
  3. Suda, When I left in July it was still there. Has been there for as long as I have been to Thailand. Khun Sanuk brought me there on my first trip in 97 or 98 or thereabouts.
  4. Wayne Rogers, Trapper in MASH.
  5. waerth

    10 Days

    typical Thainess not understanding jokes.
  6. And I guess in a strange twist ..... even Hezbollah strongly condemns the attacks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_reactions_to_the_November_2015_Paris_attacks#Muslim_response
  7. Isis kills more muslims than non Muslims. From Pakistan to Egypt ... ISIS bombings are a very regular occurrence.
  8. Dont pray for paris, pray for the world https://instagram.com/p/-DmUOwJ0tC/ karunaezaraI woke this morning deeply disturbed by the news from #Paris, but more amazed by the attention it received on social media. I understand Paris is a beloved and familiar space for a lot of people, but it troubled me that #Beirut, a city my father grew up in, had received so little attention after the horrific bombings two days earlier. It also troubled me that #Baghdad, a place I have absolutely no connection with, received even less attention after the senseless bombing that took place there last week. Worst of all, I found the understanding of the refugee crisis skewed and simplistic. If you've been following the journeys of the people leaving their homes around the world right now, perhaps you'll understand why the words #SyrianRefugeeCrisis are just as devastating as #PrayForParis. It's time to pray for humanity. It is time to make all places beloved. It's time to pray for the world.
  9. Seriously .... I would support a mission to mars or anywhere else in space ...... even by North Korea.
  10. Because that lady in the post above that is mentioning areas that she never even heard of and she is still copying and pasting it. Thai stupidity
  11. Hmmm after the VW debacle can we trust German research?
  12. From what I understood through my "sources" in Bangkok many where Cambodians, Laotians, Burmese (the usuals) and a lot of Africans as well as a few Russians and maybe 4-5 other whities. W
  13. Geert Wilder is a fascist of the worst kind. He would vote to reopen Dachau. Apart from that he is sponsored by the religious right wing in Israel. This man only creates hatred.
  14. How about a simple ..... one man one vote? Works in Holland
  15. Do Germans understand anything? Anyway I know what you mean!
  16. I have a joke: There is this guy logged into a forum about Thailand and he says: I am a Thai woman.
  17. Dear BuBi may I offer you to stay in the Netherlands and enjoy its life while I use the Bubi research fund finances to continue your research into Asian and in particular Thai woman, al be it of a younger age than your focusgroup. That way I will spare you the hardships of flying over all the way to Asia! I am sure you will enjoy the Netherlands a lot better than Thailand . So I will sacrifice myself for you and in the name of science! Do we have a deal? I will write great reports and even research old Prussian warlords so I can quote from great minds like Ludendorf.
  18. Nope it is not working here in Shanghai. Guess have to invest in VPN W
  19. @Meking installed orweb and orbot. Hope it works as I am going to Shanghai again tomorrow. As usual on the tablet it is not as straightforward as going to google play store. There I got a message .... it will be installed soon and an hour later no installation happening. But got it done in another way. The tablet is very bad when you want to have control over everything W
  20. The Germans hire Brits ...... oh my no wonder the standards go down the drain!
  21. Iceland And I think it should happen more often that politicians are made to pay one way or the other for blunders like that scheme.
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