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Everything posted by baa99

  1. baa99

    Beaten To Death

    Why couldn't he bail out of jail? Where was his GF?
  2. In general, the PCIe adapters tend to have better antennas.
  3. You need to install a wireless adapter. For your desktop, you have a choice of a USB adapter or a PCIe (internal slot) adapter. Do you have a WiFi router? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833704059 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA2N50XN1475
  4. Then you didn't have dengue hemorrhagic fever.
  5. Tell that to the Aborigines! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFGvNxBqYFI
  6. baa99


    Move over Hello Kitty! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9gr_24W1-Q
  7. ... or The Fighting Irish!
  8. Go to rehab and get off the horse.
  9. ... but no sanctions against European countries that had colonized Asia.
  10. There is another side to who started it. http://www.independent.org/newsroom/article.asp?id=1930 Ask a typical American how the United States got into World War II, and he will almost certainly tell you that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the Americans fought back. Ask him why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and he will probably need some time to gather his thoughts. He might say that the Japanese were aggressive militarists who wanted to take over the world, or at least the Asia-Pacific part of it. Ask him what the United States did to provoke the Japanese, and he will probably say that the Americans did nothing: we were just minding our own business when the crazy Japanese, completely without justification, mounted a sneak attack on us, catching us totally by surprise in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. You can’t blame him much. For more than 60 years such beliefs have constituted the generally accepted view among Americans, the one taught in schools and depicted in movies—what “every schoolboy knows.†Unfortunately, this orthodox view is a tissue of misconceptions. Don’t bother to ask the typical American what U.S. economic warfare had to do with provoking the Japanese to mount their attack, because he won’t know. Indeed, he will have no idea what you are talking about. ... Accordingly, the Roosevelt administration, while curtly dismissing Japanese diplomatic overtures to harmonize relations, imposed a series of increasingly stringent economic sanctions on Japan. In 1939 the United States terminated the 1911 commercial treaty with Japan. “On July 2, 1940, Roosevelt signed the Export Control Act, authorizing the President to license or prohibit the export of essential defense materials.†Under this authority, “[o]n July 31, exports of aviation motor fuels and lubricants and No. 1 heavy melting iron and steel scrap were restricted.†Next, in a move aimed at Japan, Roosevelt slapped an embargo, effective October 16, “on all exports of scrap iron and steel to destinations other than Britain and the nations of the Western Hemisphere.†Finally, on July 26, 1941, Roosevelt “froze Japanese assets in the United States, thus bringing commercial relations between the nations to an effective end. One week later Roosevelt embargoed the export of such grades of oil as still were in commercial flow to Japan.â€[2] The British and the Dutch followed suit, embargoing exports to Japan from their colonies in southeast Asia.
  11. “Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?â€
  12. Aah yes, the military that bought the GT200 bomb detectors!
  13. http://youtu.be/bPxlHX3vcf0
  14. Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Friday condemned the Thai Army's decision to seize control. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Germany-joins-France-in-condemning-coup-30234403.html
  15. So the military will rig the next election, just like in the last coup.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k97JZHTCVbM
  17. The Thai military censors know.
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