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My Penis is hungry

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Everything posted by My Penis is hungry

  1. Not that different for me, I arrived first time in 97, I think the Baht had just been devalued, it was about 40, I was here for that giddy period where it soared above that, and sadly the 2009 to recently when it was low.
  2. Couldn't we also say of the majority of this board, "God no, you don't come to bangkok for the culture, like temples and stuff:, laughs a 49-year-old Australian called Jimmie BLonde, who is dancing to a AC/DC anthem with a young whore in each hand at one of the many soi cowboy bars. "You come here to get fucked" Implying that the backpackers are somehow delinquent, or "bad" because they are following their own hedonism, is exactly what majority of punters here do.
  3. Because it's very relevant to this forum, NOT That's what I cunt work out, 1 in 100 posts she does contribute something vaguely on topic, the rest of the time he, sorry, she, is off topic
  4. My attitude has gone back to "normal" male slut. I've always had multiple partners, even lived with two girls in Australia for a number of years, while fucking as often as possible. When I first came to Thailand, I got lazy and decided it was easier to pay for someone than to find someone. As I settled though into living here, I went back to the fun of the hunt, finding fucks was more interesting, the chase was fun, not even cheaper. So now my attitude is to chase, rarely do I barfine, maybe once every two years! That said up until I was sick a couple of years back, I was still into having 3 fucks a day. Lately I am heading back to that level at last.
  5. Broadcast from some shack in Bangkok, These lads are making some $'s, don't look that young though https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamish_and_Andy's_Gap_Year
  6. My fav all time post wasn't on this board, but a pre-curser. It was about a bloke in a hotel, asking for the maid not to bring new bars of soap each day, as it was a waste. Not being able to read English very well, the management thought the opposite, until he'd created piles of bars of soap as art works in his room, continually complaining, and management just bringing more and more, classic lost in translation problem.
  7. Please run it! I'm voting "Cunt", and "Arsehole" if there are multiple choices
  8. Bust <<Perhaps Ivan Milat was on to something although I don't condone what he did >> Now if the Mufti had said that . . . . . . By the way, do you ever get to Pan Handle Bar in Potts Point? On a Sunday night they have a great trio called "Raduga Trio" playing Manouche Jazz, (Gypsy Jazz) Very much like the Hot Jazz Quartet,
  9. I have plenty of imagination, right now I am visualizing you with three nubile young things in the dark corner of a bar, FARK, you are very well hung, like a horse! My imagination is going over time, oh fuck, all the young things have cocks too! DAMM
  10. REMOVE THE "S" FROM THE HTTP "S" AND KEEP EVERY THING ELSE With the "S" httpS://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OIFdWk83no Without "s"
  11. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=naked+backpackers&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiqk9uLw6_JAhULG5QKHRDvBtoQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=667 I love this idea of naked backpacking. I started my travels as a back packer when about 13 years old, I loved back packing, staying in YHA's, did it till I could afford a car and real hotel rooms. Last trip to Fiji I found a delicious young Jap back packer girl that stayed over the night with me.
  12. Only advantage I see is you get exactly the same as the original, with deteriorating DNA at the same speed. Still have to feed, exercise, train, them the same as a normal animal,
  13. Have to admit I never liked the place for daytime activity, was on the wrong side of the street, sun shone striaght in. Big Dogs across the road far better location. Soi 7 better still. Women there hit and miss. At night a slightly different crowd, good to see what's going in and out of nana, but again, not a venue I liked.
  14. How I Nearly Became A Doctor When I was young I decided I wanted to be a doctor so I took the entrance exam to go to Medical School. One of the questions asked was to rearrange the letters PNEIS into the name of an important human body part which is most useful when erect.. Those who answered spine are doctors today. The rest of us are sending jokes via email.
  15. http://islam.stackexchange.com/questions/12183/correct-way-of-shaving-pubic-hair
  16. No, cunt hair, they have for decades I know personally, and plenty of comments to show this is centuries old tradition.
  17. They have always shaved, it's been a century old tradition.
  18. http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/feb/19/rabbis-absolute-power-how-sex-abuse-tore-apart-australias-orthodox-jewish-community Dam, Rabbi's too! Funny thing is i can find thousands of rape cases against catholic, anglican, jewish, priests, makes that bloke in Lakemba look like the least evil of the lot. Note use of least evil. And Lot. Frankly many religious leaders are egomanical turds, how many times have we seen buddhist monks in Thailand sex tapes. Give people power, they abuse it.
  19. Like the large number of australian catholic priests who've committed thousands of rapes against children? Yes agree.
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