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Who said bus rides weren't fun?


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At least that woman is "lucky" in a way since she can spend the rest of her time in a British jail. With so many Thai drug dealers now facing the firing squad, it will be interesting to see what happens when the first Thaksin-era foreign fool gets arrested with a big stash of heroin or yaa-baa. Singapore has executed one Dutch drug smuggler, Malaysia put the noose around two Australians; a British traveller who was dumb enough to be caught in Malaysia with dope AND a fake journalist's pass purchased in Khao San Road was sentenced to a severe jail term, since - so the judges argued - journalists should be role models to society rather than indulge in illegal substances! Of course they knew the pass was fake, but what the heck.


In Singapore and Malaysia the law is applied without considerations for nationality and any potential diplomatic fallout (OK, reducing the caning sentence of that American vandal, Michael Whatever, from 8 to 6 strokes was a rare, minor concession).

How would the Thais react? Hopefully we'll never need to find out.

[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: Scum_Baggio ]

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Originally posted by racha:

"Hey Scum,

You missed one point ''she is out now'"

Ooops! Blame it on that shapely bottle of Shiraz which is smiling at me here, and somebody else who also ... well, forget it. wink.gif" border="0

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I always find it amazing that all those caught say they were dupes, sick etc.etc. if they were caught committing their crime.

It would appear that only those not caught become involved through greed and the prospect of easy money.

Thailand and the other countries mentionned make it very clear upon entering the country, by air at least, that they consider drug offences to be very serious.

I am sorry but i do not have much sympathy for those caught, although I accept that some may have mitigating circumstances.

I would have thought based on past posted opinions that the majority of board members, certainly those living here would not take the position of suggesting that the courts here pass lighter sentences on farangs caught running drugs as opposed to locals because that would be dicrimination and that last time I recall reading a thread on that subject the general feeling was that it was upsetting that farangs should be charged somewhat more to visit certain tourist landmarks etc.

Ex-pats, tourists we are all guests of this country. We are all ambassadors for our countries of origin.

As long as the rules are known in advance then we should play by those rules.

If we feel that we cannot then we should accept the consequences or not come here.

If you can not do the time do not do the crime

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She was in Klong Prem not Bang Kkan and you are correct Bang Kwan is the Bangkok Hilton.

Klong Prem is located on Ngm Wong Wan road out towards the airport. When you arrive outside it looks beautiful all blooming pink and white shrubberries and fish ponds. (if any body goes out there you can get really good deals on all the things made by the inmates cushions blankets furniture and some really good artwork / sculptures)

I know all this because about 5/6 years ago my dad came out to visit me and he talked his company (he's a journalist) into paying for his ticket if he could get an interveiw with Sandra Gregory. So off we went. If any body else goes over to see a prisoner over here a word of warning , when you go you have to hand over your passport during visiting time and I'm told that if they are in for drugs then there visitors are then put on a watch list.(We got in on my dads passport I didn't have to hand mine over)

During the visit Sandra was very pleasant and at times downright funny , my dad asked her if there was any thing he could get her and with a twinkle iin her eye she said could he smuggle his son in! back then I was young handsom man in Daz White shirt and suit and nobody refered to me as The Hamburger!

While talking to us she accepted the fact that she was guilty , she had knowingly been carrying heroin all that pissed her off was the harshness of the sentence , that the British Embassy though knowing she was a mug didn't help and the fact that the instigator Robert Lock was found not guilty.

While appreciating that people need to be responsible for their actions , I feel that she was fairly unlucky in the very high price she paid for them. On the flip side at least she wasn't given a death sentence which has just happened to quite alot latley even though they pleaded guilty!

The Hamburger

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Guilty? Who's ever guilty? I remember one night when I lived up country when a muffled gunshot was heard in the hotel I often spent my evenings in. (The coffee shop was the only one in town with air conditioning!) Seems the shot was fired inside the lift. When the lift arrived at the top floor, where the nightclub was, the door opened to reveal one Thai male laying on the floor bleeding profusely and obviously no longer of this world. The only other occupant of was a second Thai male with a revolver still in his right hand. With everyone staring wide eyed at the scene, the man with the smoking gun spoke. "I didn't do it!" he practically shouted. Quite obviously, someone else did it and set him up. Wonder if his lawyer was able to prove his "innocence".

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I mabye don't agree with the hard sentences for trafficers, but I appreciate the fact that they try to come down on the drug business.

Are they only that hard against people carrying heroine or do the apply the same rules to all drugs?

How that fits to the fact that I like to have a joint from time to time and take some Extacy when I'm in holidays, I don't know.

I think this has to do with the addiction potential of the drug. While I like hash and Extacy I wouldn't try Cocaine, Heroine or crack.

Can you tell me what's Yaa Baa, I don't know that?

Btw, my last Extacy was over a year ago (no holidays, I am a sad guy) and my last joint was on new years. So please don't give me lectures about drug abuse.


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