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Is Nazism real in Pattaya?


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I just returned from 2 weeks in Thailand. My last 5 days was spent in Pattaya.

My first night, I went to one of my favorite dance clubs Marine-1 disco.

As the techo-music was pulsating and everybody was getting into a highly energetic vibratious mood, I noticed a very distributing event(in my opinion) . An individual unveiled a 3-4 foot flag with a Nazi symbol.

He proceeded to trot around the dance floor very proudly with a smirk like attitude of "In your face" .


Being a person of color , I did feel uncomfortable. Images of the holocaust also left a somber mood in me. What surprised me more was the reaction of the crowd. I am not sure if the continuous beat of the music got the crowds adrenalin up, or they were all just drugged-up, but I noticed at least 75% of the male crowd ages ranging from 25-55 raising a Nazi salute (the right hand ) gleefully enjoying this individual trot around the dance floor.


About 3:30am I proceeded to the Marine-2 Disco. About 30 minutes into the music, 3 steroid looking bodybuilders unveiled a Nazi flag while speaking something in German. This time the crowd was a little more subdue and just did (as myself) a curious look.


It's been about 2 years since I last visited pattaya, besides the old Nazi helmets on some bikers, I brushed off any indication of this group high visibility. Although I will plead guilty to being PC on this subject (due to personnel safety issues ), I am hoping someone living in pattaya can enlighten me if this was just a skin-head convention, a few knuckleheads blowing off some steam, or a growing haven for nazism.


I plan to move there by year end , however if this is real, and some charismatic leader of theirs relocates to Pattaya and decides to get a rise out of his followers, even the Thai police may not protect me.

Sorry if I sound too much of an alarmist.



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absolutely disgusting! why people never learn from history!

they should go back to their REICH!


i also have seen a couple of locals wearing the old nazi-helmet. when i asked about that, i recognized that a lot of thais have no idea about history of the first half of last century and there is usually really no political motivation or any intent to start a provocation behind that

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I've seen students with swastika pins on their backpacks and Thai's wearing the crucifix. I've found this has nothing to do with nazi/religion, they just like the look.


I wouldn't read too much into the pattaya nazi's either. Most likely just some rednecks raising some hell and the crowd playing along with the moment. You gotta have a lot of tolerance while in LOS, especially as you walk by all the bin laden t-shirts for sale.


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Sorry you were subjected to this bollocks.


I'm no expert on Pattaya however in Bangkok this exists also, although Ive never seen anything as blatant as this.


In Bangkok it is by enlarge the Thai's who wear swastika's and the like. Whilst igronance is no excuse Thai are very inverted people who see no importance in learning about history outside their own world.


I once saw a Japaneese couple both wearing swastika necklace's. Given Japan's involvment in the war there can be no excuse for this. I felt pretty sick about it to be honest.


From what I have seen of Pattaya it is the kind of place that attracts scum wherever they come from.



I know not all Thais are inverted and igronant as much that I know that not all the people who go to Pattay are scum.

However I fell that the two generalisations are fair statements.


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>>>From what I have seen of Pattaya it is the kind of place that attracts scum wherever they come from.<<<


can't disagree with that one.



but, just be careful with judging people, esp. asians, who carry a swastika, unless it is a clearly identifiable nazi swastika, like the idiots tomx2 desribed.

the swastika is one of humanities oldest symbols (like the sunwheel or the egyptian ankh) and carries a great importance in hinduism and buddhism. the nazis just borrowed it and perverted that symbol for their own purposes.




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I was once taught in school that there was a jewish symbol for peace that was v similar to a swastika but incerted like a mirror image.

Is this what you mean or is the buddist symbol you speak of exactly the same design but viewed differently by different people.

i.e. Nazi skinheads and peace loving buddists both carrying the same symbol?

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here are a few websites about swastika as it is and was used in major worldreligions since ancient times and what it really symbolises. the nazis have never understood the meaning of the swastika, and neither do neonazis today.

the swastika was since ancient times and still is a symbol of goodness, no matter how the nazis perverted it.


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Sometimes wherever you go you meet some really nasty people who are just bent on provoking reactions to claim "self defence" when they thump you.


The western person who thrusts the german swastica in your face is one of them. They do know what it means in modern society but as a general rule for Thais - as someone said earlier - its the look. Count the number of Bin Laden t shirts - half of them I dont know if they are for or against him. ::


The so called skin head type and the bodybuilder type I just try and avoid them as much as possible. I have seem them get involved in and start too much hassle at home and in other countries especially when they get pissed. Add in women and you truly do have an explosive mixture.


I hope they are their just for a holiday and will crawl back to where they came from after a couple of weeks.


When I was down there a couple of weeks ago, there did seem to be a large increase in the number bodybuilders wearing their wifebeater tshirts. Anyone else notice this?


Its a shame that a symbol thousands of years old like that has really has its true meaning totally submerged by 50 odd years. :(

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Born in Germany efter WWII I have learned to deal with falangs like them. Who ever shows up with nazi-symbols, whether he is german, dutch, a british Combat 18 member or anything else is too stupid to learn or to understand. I am a peacefull man, but watching nazis makes me angry, very angry and my answer to them is: beat them, beat them hard :onfire:

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