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Was That Herpes!!??


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Was That Herpes!?


Six months ago I was living in Thailand and having a lot of fun. I felt in top form, no stress, no aches, pains or worries. One day I related this to a friend. ?Never felt better,? I told him. The next day, I began to have suspicions about a pimple that had formed on my abdomen an inch above the base of the johnson.


The spot subsequently lived up to all suspicions and manifested classic symptoms. It developed a tubular shape about half an inch long. It was a bit painful, then blistered, popped and was an open sore for about a week. I took Acyclovir. I didn?t go to a doctor because I was burned out on going in for a bunch of other minor things. Anyway, the diagnosis was clear enough. The appearance matched what I found on the internet. After 30 days it had run its course and disappeared.


I saw info suggesting Acyclovir 400mg as a daily regimen might prevent future outbreaks. I didn?t like the idea of constantly putting so much medicine into my system for something that might only occur occassionally. I saw suggestions that fortifying the immune system would reduce outbreaks. I was already taking vitamins, but I began to take them very conscientiously.


I don?t have especially good luck with little medical problems. I don?t have any special immunities and I seem to get whatever comes along. They always proceed normally, just as was the case with this incident. So I was sure I would have the usual run of future outbreaks and I bought a big supply of Acyclovir to take back to the states. I expected an outbreak about every two months at first.


Six month later and nothing! That?s why I?m wondering, was that really herpes? Or are there similar things?


Dr. Love

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I just added to the previous thread that indeed, the diagnosis is HSV. I am now facing the "Acyclovir" question, and seemingly like every other aspect of this virus, the information is conflicting and contradictory. My primary physician suggests that it would have little affect at this point, and he feels I should wait to see if I have a 2nd occurrance. Other experts feel that Acyclovir has so few side affects, that it is worth taking it regularly as a preventive. Coin toss

I haven't filled my 'script yet, a buck a dose seems to be the prevailing pricefor 200mg pills. Anyone know how much in Thailand?



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I know of a gal who has Genital Herpes, and the medication is damn expensive. But the biggest think that bothers her is the "Stigma" that is associated with having Herpes. I would go see a Doc as there are some very recent drugs on the market that work much better then the stuff you are taking.


good luck

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Regarding Acyclovir (same applies to other anti HSV drugs): From what I have read, you might want to wait and see if you have recurring outbreaks before spending the money on taking it daily to prevent such outbreaks. Also, I think it might be better to let your immune system "learn" how to deal with it without the antiviral drug, unless you are getting frequent outbreaks. There is conflicting information regarding whether Herpes can become resistant to the drug if it is taken on a daily basis for a long period of time. It might be better to save the medication for if/when you really need it.


There is some evidence that suggests that even if you don't take it on a daily basis, starting to take Acyclovir for five days or so at the first sign of a recurrent outbreak may lessen the severity and the duration of the outbreak.

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Your description is compatible with a primary herpetic outbreak (primary syphilis is typically a painless lesion), but I am not sure how you can be certain that your symptoms were due to Herpes because of the time frame involved. Six months later the antibodies found will be IgG which just tells you that you have had Herpes but not when. Suppressive therapy with acyclovir is usually reserved for individuals with frequent outbreaks (>6/year). However it does reduce asymptomatic viral shedding by 95% and thus, may prevent passing the virus to someone else. On the other hand since the Herpes Simplex viruses are such ubiquitous pathogens, it is difficult to assess the value of this.

With recurrent attacks, for acyclovir to be of any help, it must be started as soon as possible; most effective if started during the prodromal stage.

Personally I wouldn't do anything right now. For most people recurrences are infrequent and a minor annoyance.

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Syphillis has a thing in addition to whats been mentioned, Your tongue will feel like burnt by hot coffee. Sore throat also. No, I am not talking about getting it by 69's or BB whatever its called here. Normal sex will also get these sympons if infected. Its just the infection by the blood which causes these symptones.


Your pimple which breaks will come on your member.

It does not sound like you had that to me, its bloody painful to get and you wouldn't just be "wondering".




P.S.: next sexual related disease please?

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the only thing which seemed to have woked very well with my herpes simplex (coldsores, but same virus family) over the years:

as soon as i feel an outbreak i use zink tablets, about nine times the amount of what people use as an daily supplement for the first three days, then i reduce gradually according to how the coldsores proceed. if i catch it at the right time, it does even not get to the wet stage but goes dry straight away.

i guess that might work with genital herpes as well.

all the other different creams and pills i have taken before have not done much, but just the zinc works excellent.

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