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BG out of the Scene - 500 Days Later


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Says gummigut:

I chose my words carefully and I meant negative attitudes. They are deplorable. This does not include being realistic, nor does it imply not doing your homework. It's the negative ATTITUDE.


If you can attack me logically please do, but otherwise, let's not get this thread sidetracked.




What I said was: "Completely agree with the sentiments of your post re the positive story here, but I don't think the "negative" attitudes that have been expressed are "deplorable." They are simply pointing out that there is a real possibility that she might someday leave TTM. But of course, this is an inherent risk in any relationship."


Sorry that you took this expression of a difference of opinion as an "attack." Was not intended as such.


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I think that what you did was great and I think the poster who wrote that you "bought yourself a high-priced hooker" missed the point entirely.


Irrespective of whether or not she remains your girlfriend, you have fundamentally and profoundly helped someone in a way that will change their life forever.


I just recently moved to Thailand after coming here many times and one of the few things that I deplore about Thai society is the fact that most upper-class Thais won't help the poor - particularly if they are dark-skinned Issan girls - in any way.


Since I started coming to Thailand in 1999, I've made minor contributions to help two girls that I had previously been involved with - after I quit sleeping with them - and it helped them both dramatically. It was good for them and it was good for me and the money was negligible. They were both able to move forward with their lives in a positive way and as a side benefit, I have two friends who will do literally anything for me long after any money has changed hands.


There is no doubt that a lot of these girls are stupid and drug addicts and will screw up any opportunity presented to them, but on the other hand, many just need a tiny little bit of help and the opportunity to break the dead end cycle that they are in.


I think that if you meet someone who you sense that about - bar girl or not - and you can help them for the price of a few expense account dinners - then you have a moral obligation to do so (assuming you have the means to do so).


Think of it as a farang way to make merit.

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>well done and good luck to you and your girlfriend.


Thanks limbo.


Rather funny exercise a few hours ago. The Uni uniform is coming in on Friday but the tie and the belt are already there.


Poor girl, has never had a tie before. It was part fun part frustration to teach her how to tie it, over the web cam...took and hour and she ended up with a large knob and a short hanging :).

More practicing...there are dozens of students in her building, but thai face comes into the play: they are younger and she can not ask them.


That's another indicator of her position within the class system: nobody she knows has ever had a tie in their house!

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I think there comes a point when a certain amount of self respect outweighs monetary gains.



not mentioning one's health too. Living at night, boozing up (I am not even talking of other addictions), will result in getting/looking older a lot quicker than living an healthy lifestyle.

You make a good point, this scene has more than just girls who do it permanently, some use it only when they are really strapped for cash, and know better than to be totally involved in it, all year long. My guess is that, as far as farang scene, most girls stay in it permanently, because they are not really getting on their back that much, or only when they wish, as they have a or many Bfs sending a bit of money. They have no reason to look for something better, as it is all working out for them, no hard work, get up when you want, and the check is in the mail.

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