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Depression...advice plese


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I can certainly vouch for the benefits of taking more exercise. I've just joined a gym after many months, no years, of procrastinating. I made all the excuses about not wanting to be seen with a bunch of poseurs, its a trendy fad, boring etc. etc.


I've joined one near where I work and get out at lunch times. After only a week I'm actually looking forward to going to work again and life is feeling quite good even though I have to wait another 6 weeks before I'm back in LOS!



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There is an organization called Personal Dynamics, extremely professional with inhouse counsellors and psychologists, who I can say are truly excellent. They utilize the services of the most senior psychiatrist at Bangkok Hospital, a lovely man indeed. I would not suggest Community Services of Bangkok for such an important matter as most of their staff are not professionals.

You can contact Personal Dynamics on:



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The main point you must realse is that depression does not equate to a weakness of character, and it affects far more people than you may realise. Infact all of us will suffer some form of depression in our lives.


Depression makes us feel weak and vulnerable, and none of us like to feel this way. When we feel this way we often lose our drive and motivaion to do almost anything, therefore our body and brain becomes starved of the stimulation that its used to, and that it needs, which can lead to the brain functioning in a different way; The brain doesn't produce the endorphins proven to make us feel better and more motivated, aswel as inhibiting the reception of other chemicals/signals which act as stimulants. Therefore we fail to react efficiently to stimuli around us... again leading us to feeling low/useless etc... a vicious circle that once you become trapped in seems to spiral....


...anyway.. To combat depression u cannot simply use only one weapon, you may have to unleash a whole arsenal on the 'enemy within.'


EXERCISE is good as it increases the brains production of endorphins which act as a 'temporary' fix, making you feel better for a short period of time (but you need to really feel motivated to exercise to adequate level to achieve this, not easy when depression causes a lak of motivation and drive!)


Talking to people openly is the best way to truly identify the problems that initially caused you to feel sad/upset etc. It is these stresses, these root causes that probably brought about the state of imbalance within your brain (DEPRESSION).


I say problemS, root causeS etc because there is seldom ever one single cause... you mentioned that most of your western colleagues have been relocated, and this lack of familiar social interaction does appear to be a trigger for your unhappiness but there will be plenty of other factors involved, which all need to be addressed. This is why it's really a good idea to speak with a properly trained person who has the time and independance of mind to WORK through these isues with you... from that you'll also learn ways of recognising, identifying and dealing wth potentially critical problems before they become too big for you to deal with alone.


Talk to your wife about your feelings as they arise, if you don't already. She will probably feel reassured that you can and are invoving her in your welfare... most partners will be able to pick up on the fact that their other half is suffering below the surface and will want to know what is wrong, and if they feel you're keeing something from them they will not understand why you cannot talk to them about it..this will create an underlying tension,and someting can only become so tense before it snaps (you mentioned 'family life').


I'm not recommending drugs because I'm not qualified to do so, but do speak to reputable pharmacist, which will be free of charge, about the various options available... but drugs are generally considered an aide to recovery, assiting in correcting the imbalances and rectifying the inhibitions within the brain...


....these imbalances WILL occur again unless you find a way of dealing with the root causes!!!! and identifying future causes!!!


I know, I know...Easier said than done, but the cold hard truth is that other people/things can help but can never solve this problem... that task is left to you my friend, and I naturally wish you the best of luck.


Sorry if the length of this has been painful (now how many times have I said that before!!! :o) but serious issues require serious discusson.


Oh and if you cry at some point don't worry because oddly enough the chemical composition of a tear reacting in the way it is released actually has a soothing and calming effect..


.. but don't cry to much, and certainly avoid it in public despite whatever any american 'therapist' may tell you... you will not feel good, only embarassed!

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Find a bg who doesn?t understand much English but nods a lot then pay her a few baht to hang around and unload everything on her over a few sessions. I don?t give a toss if they don?t understand anything so long as they nod in the right places. It works a treat, try it.


all the best




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