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International Driving License...what the point?

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I just received an international driving license that I applied for a few weeks ago. In the application I specified Thailand as the country I would be visiting. The license contains translations in a variety of languages, including French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese. But Thai is NOT included. So in the event that I am stopped while driving in Thailand I doubt this license will mean anything at all to the average Thai traffic cop. So, can someome tell me if there is any point in bothering with getting an internatioal license, or if I have been sent the wrong one, perhaps, by mistake.




A Dissappointed Basil.




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I currently drive in Thailand on an International Drivers licence. The "booklet" does not contain any Thai language and probably the same languages as you mentioned in your post!


I already have been in an accident where a pickup rammed us from behind on a highway! At the time of the accident I was the driver!


We had police and the insurance company involved with the accident and the international drivers licence worked a treat. If I did not have the licence then I would be up sh*t creek without a paddle.


Nothing happened to us, the other driver was fined 400 Baht for reckless driving and signed the police accident report that said it was his fault for the accident!


On a side note what I find interesting (i.e not what I expected), I was treated as an "equal" and the senior policeman gave the other driver a lecture on how one should drive (i.e don't tailgate!) and that the circumstances doesn't matter if you hit the car in front because you should always leave enough space to stop!


There is a campaign in Australia that goes something like this "If you drink and drive your a bloody idiot" . Well, using the same concept "If you drive without a valid licence your a bloody idiot".


Make sure you carry that licence with the original licence from your home country as you will need both!



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Of course one should always have a valid driving licence.


But is an International Driving Licence any better than a foreign driver's licence? Surely it holds no more legal validity.

Nor in the UK does it even look any more important.

A UK driving licence is always accepted by car rental places in Thailand.


I can't think of any advantages.




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The advantage is that it will prevent the cops from having a field day with you -- which they certainly will if you only have your foreign driver's license with you. Regardless of its legality and/or validity and/or necessity, it will DEFINITELY help you stay out of trouble. What more reason could you want for having one?


Note, though, that you are required to apply for a Thai Driver's License after you have been here for a certain amount of time (90 days?). So if your passport and/or other documentation shows that you've been here a long time, or many times over a long time, you'd be well advised to get a Thai DL.

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When I was pulled over in Issan for something (I'm still not sure for what) the police officer was insistent on seeing my IDL. He didn't want to see my American license. My wife bargained the bribe down from 1000 to 500 baht and he let us go. Here, the IDL can be obtained in about 10 minutes at the AAA Office (Automobile Club of America) and I can't think of any reason why someone would not get it. Jay

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"A UK driving licence is always accepted by car rental places in Thailand." ...


And I guess other driving licences are accepted too, but, I bet they will mean diddly squat if you are in an accident!


I wish you good luck on the roads in Thailand with your UK licence! 90% of the time you maybe okay, but, the other 10%????


In Hong Kong the cost of the IDL was 80 HKD and 30 minutes of my time! Ask yourself this, what is the downside of having a IDL ? and, what is the downside of not having one?



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"On a side note what I find interesting (i.e not what I expected), I was treated as an "equal"


Nice to hear, thanks for adding that.


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Says ranma500:

Of course one should always have a valid driving licence.


But is an International Driving Licence any better than a foreign driver's licence? Surely it holds no more legal validity.

Nor in the UK does it even look any more important.

A UK driving licence is always accepted by car rental places in Thailand.


I can't think of any advantages.




Hi Ranma500,


besides the very valid points made already, I can think of another one, which is have your IDL stuffed with a some baht notes, so when they want to hassle you, you hand over your IDL rather than the original one (spiced!) and in case they take it with them, an IDL is replaced rather easyly compared to your home territory original.

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