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smoking (cigarettes)


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Once upon a time, I was smoking over two packs a day. I started in high school but by age 23 had more or less had it. I tried and tried to quit, but I seemed to run into too many situations that would trigger the urge. At a bar, after dinner, with friends, just before I had to speak publicly, etc. I could always quit for two or three days, but by then I was feeling better and somehow always started up again. So, I took up jogging. I needed some method of convincing my brain that I was screwing up my lungs. At first, I couldn't even run 1/2 mile without feeling like I was going to drop dead. Every day I added a little more to my daily run. Somehow, all that aggravation worked. One day led to another and pretty soon a year past. Eventually, I was running at least three miles every morning, sometimes five. That was 28 years ago and I haven't smoked since except for one day about 26 years ago when I was really pissed off at the world.


I'm afraid I'm about to the point where I'd better do the same thing with alcohol. Quit. I'd just as soon keep the liver I have.


Rex :beer:

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I lit my first fag at the age of 11 and despite much advice to the contary, continued to puff my way through around a million cigarettes at the rate of 60 to 100 a day. I finally decided this was a stupid waste of my health and my money, I stopped dead 12 years ago and have never touched one since, it was suprisingly easy to quit, the anxiety for a smoke soon calms down (2-3 days), after this it is relativley stress free. It really is a mind game you must play with yourself, unless you are motivated and want to stop, it is impossible, but if you want to it's easy. Tip: buy yourself the biggest ash tray you can find, don't empty it, just let it continue to fill up, keep the ash tray with you at all times and as close to your nose as is feasible, put it on your bedside table when you sleep, on your table when you eat. After a couple of weeks of this you should be motivated to stop, if the smell of stale cigarettes doesn't disgust you then maybe you are not ready to quit yet. If you manage to stop don't think that you can have 'just this one' it doesn't work this way the nicotine will blow the top of your head off and you will start again. Good Luck!

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Says bangkokbutcher:

I know of quite a few guys and gals at my workplace who have quit using Zyban, seems to be pretty accessible right now here in the UK.

I have still never had the bottle to give it a go, I still need something to help keep me calm at work

Although BB has said some good things about it - Any comments BelgianBoy??

Good luck in your quest though...


Yes I do :)


Nicotine will excite you, not calm you down, exactly the opposite........


Having smoked and quit, you will always have the urge to smoke a sig, I know, I want to every day ! but I quit and thats it.......


Thing is, like all things in life, you must WANT to stop smoking, without that you will fail hopelessly.

Also, after stopping, have 1 goal only, never touch that first sigarette, that one is the most dangerous one.......


Zyban must be used under doctors' supervision, it is still an antidepressiva, handle with care......


Good luck to all of you out there, and believe me, once you have quit, there is a whole new world out there.


Cheers !

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Hi BB,


>>>Nicotine will excite you, not calm you down, exactly the opposite........<<<


Yeah I have been told that a few times, I must just be smoking them wrong or something :grinyes:.


Seriously though, I am pleased that you have had, what sounds like, 100% success with the Zyban program, and I couldnt agree with you more on the need for will power to help anyone quit smoking - without it I dont think that anyone could give up.



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Never say never, I hope never to smoke again..........


If I can help only one person stop smoking, it will be a good deed for me :angel:


Before Zyban, I tried the needles, books, stickers, gum, therapy, all is BS, you just have to want to stop, thats all !


Good luck !


Cheers !

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Says Norfloxacin 400:

four days without a cig and i am on the stickers. and feeling very edgy.





4 days is good because you know if you have one now you get that really bad dizzy feeling..very bad .


keep going..it is worth the pain...keep busy it takes your mind off it.


Hey you have saved 40 dollars :up:


BTW..WTF is with pauline as an avatar...queenslander

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