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land of the free?


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WOnder how they caught her? if they went into internet records/files I would think that violates her rights and she could sue...what a bunch of shit! If you buy a book or a magazine and give it someone else, the writers don't get pissed and sue, neither does the publishing industry! And what about all these used record/CD stores I see? I doubt they are kicking back a cut to the original artist, and this involves actually selling and reselling the music...whats the big deal about sharing music among friends? if you really want it, and like the artist, you'll buy it anyway. Most people just get stuff they like but don't like enough to buy...

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Yes i wonder how they actually caught her too , how ever : ii wonder how anyone knows??? I understand if a super security risk but??? makes ya wonder...... how long before our isp is tracked?? turn around at bkk??? :( well i guess we all a "risk" to thailand???

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There are two ways she could have been caught. One possibility is that she gave correct information when she signed up for her kazaa access. I didn't and most people with a brain wouldn't, but she is young and may have. The second possibility is that the legal council for the music companies subpoenaed the IP log files for Kazaa. Almost every website logs IP addresses for a number of reasons, marketing and e-commerce security being the most common. Unless you use an IP spoofing service when you visit a website they can see the IP address your ISP assigned you. Under certain circumstances authorities can subpoena an ISP's records to find out to whom that address was assigned.

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The record companies are fighting a losing battle. It will not scare people in to not downloading. The cockroach theory will happen. Kill one site, 2 will pop up.


The movie industry is next. You can buy new releases the week of and in some cases the week before opening day on the streets of LA. The quality is getting better too. And the price of DVD blanks will keep dropping and that will make it more economical to sell bootlegs.


Interstingly enough though although sales have dipped for the industry, artists who are deemed to have a good album, meaning not just one or two songs you like but the majority of it are still doing well. The rapper 50 cent has sold over 5 million albums even though his songs are readily available on sites for free. So not sure if its a matter of downloading or bad albums. :dunno:

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Says tboz:

Yes I agree C.S However I look forward to the day when J.Lo sues me for dowloading her music!! Actually can i sue her for watching gigli??hmmmmmm???


That brings up an interesting question, I often buy a CD based on a Hit song, only to be dismayed by the rest of the "Filler" on the CD, if they only have one or two good songs why can't it be sold as such???

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