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Syphilis Info, Please!!!


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Hi All,


Last April, I tested positive for Syphilis. This is what has happened since then:


1. Doctor said a test needed to be done to see how long I'd been infected.


2. Test came back saying I'd been infected for 'a long time', nothing more specific than that. My understanding is that if the test shows an infection of less than 2 months, a single shot of Benzathine penicillin should cure it, but an infection of more than 2 months requires 3 shots of the same penicillin.


3. I had the 3 shots, one shot per week. Painful! ::


4. Doctor said I should be retested after 6 months, which brings us to October 2003.


5. I got retested a couple of days ago. The test indicated that I am still positive for Syphilis, at a dilution factor of 320 over 1, which is the same result I received when I was tested last April.


I might mention that I was retested a couple of days ago by a registered nurse who has no relationship to the doctor I originally saw. She may not have the medical knowledge that a doctor does, but I believe she's fine for blood tests and vaccinations.


6. The nurse has prescribed Doxycycline capsules, 100 mg, to be taken twice a day for two weeks, and then go back for a retest after a month.



All I want to know is, can anyone tell me if I am being properly treated for this disease?


It seems there is an alternative, which is getting a massive jab daily for 14 days, and is pretty :cussing: painful too, so I'm thinking the nurse is trying a more tolerable medication (Doxycycline) first. Is this an appropriate approach?


Thanks in Advance to anyone who can give me some solid information on this. I was really astounded to find I'd tested positive again, after being treated with those 3 jabs of Benzathine penicillin 7 months ago.

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OK, first it IS curable. But you need the proper regimen of drugs depending on the atge it is in. IMO the nurse was closer to corrrect treament than the doctor, who judge it to be a primary stage infection.


Get to a STD specialist clinic asap. Bring any test results that you may have available.


Don't fret too much, it is curable at any stage. I would direct you to this article for further info STD Treatments

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doxycycline is in my country considered not strong enough to cure syphilis - at least not with the dosage prescribed by the nurse.


"Non pregnant patients allergic to penicillin may be treated with doxycycline 300mg daily for 21 days. This regime is considered adequate for treatment of early and late disease, whether symptomatic or latent."




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Treatment failures from the 3 dose therapy of Bicillin are rare. Is it possible you got reinfected? If so, I would repeat the Bicillin as long-acting penicillin has been the most successful therapy for syphilis to date and I am unaware of any resistance being reported. Usually doxycycline is reserved for people allergic to penicillin as the data on effectiveness is limited.

If you are sure you have not been reinfected, go back to the doctor because consideration has to be given for examination of the cerebral spinal fluid.

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It would be helpful what part of the world you think you may have acquired this. The reason for asking, is that in some areas certain antibiotics are no longer effective in treatment of certain STDs. It appears that the antibiotics kill of the weaker strains, leaving behind resistant strands which multiply.

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It was Syphilis that sent Henry VIII mad and I've no doubt influenced him to allow legal divorce and seperate England from the Catholic church in Rome.

So if you're the leader of a country Savittre, I'd warn your local religious leaders that there could be rocky times ahead.



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