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Saddam Captured


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I wish he had been killed 'accidentally' than captured alive. Why? His 'trial' will be the biggest thing since Nuremburg and it will be a bigger circus than OJ and Kobe.

The ACLU, Amnesty International, and any solicitor or lawyer with a license will file briefs, motions, etc. alleging this and that. And that he has not gotten due process or a fair trial. The way the media is, the more outlandish the claim the more space it gets in newspapers and the internet and more time it gets on air.

Plus it may increase homocide bombings or kidnappings to get his release. What if a Brit or American or someone else is captured at an Embassy somewhere or even an aid worker and they say 'release Hussein to face Islamic justice as you infidels can not try him or we kill the hostages' ? It will make world wide news and Al Jazeera will now be having stories about his ill treatment. He's better off dead than alive to America.

...but I'm at least glad he's captured and I hope it slows down the deaths of coalition soldiers and brings the occupation there to a faster close.


...now lets concentrate on getting Bin Laden!!!

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Symbollically it is good for the media and American morale that he was captured but unfortunately that does not change what the reality is in Iraq today.

The mission was never to capture Saddam(after all we did try to bomb him a few times) the mission was to seize WMD and implement a Iraqui State that would a buffer and base for stability and peace in the region.

I hope this "capture" will not take the needed attention and effort away from rebuilding Iraq and getting American troops out of the region safely.

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