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A reason why I patronize prostitutes.


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An advantage of having a prostitute is DISCRETION.


I was at one of the Major theatres with the non-prostitute girlfriend. We were leaving and I was bitching about horrible PAYCHECK movie starring Ben Affleck that the girlfriend forced me to go to (thank goodness those Emperor Class seats allow you to stretch out and snooze). Suddenly my heart started pounding and my "fight or flight" instincts went into frenzy mode. Directly in my path heading towards me was one of my favorite P4P girls.


A favorite for me is a girl that I patronize frequently over an extended period of time and she has a spot in my mobile. We go out and we party(usually) at the places I can't or don't want to take the regular chicks. We may or may not have sex depending on my mood but generally she is my "on the payroll hang out partner".


So here I am faced with one of my favorites who knows me pretty well and who likes me very much to the point where she considers me a "SORT" of boyfriend or "SPECIAL" customer that gets boyfriend type treatment. I see her and then she immediately sees and recognizes me too. I start thinking(panic mode) is she going to screw me up by saying hello or will she be the intelligent girl I know she is(only intelligent chicks make my favorites list) and ignore me?


You see females are an unpredictable goup, as you never know when their emotions kick in and eradicate all trace of intelligent and logical thinking. I am praying that she recognizes the situation I am in and more importantly notices the companion with me.


Wouldn't you know it she walks right past me and the girlfriend without even a nod or look of recognition!!! God Bless her!!! Regular chick didn't even notice anything out of the ordinary as she was babbling about wanting to go eat some seafood.


Later me and Miss Favorite had a good laugh about it and she teased the hell out of me too. Uncle JJ rewarded her well for her discretion and preventing me major embarassment. Once again JJ dodges a bullet. Is it me or is BKK starting to get pretty damn small?! I stopped going to Phuket regularly 4 years ago because it was too small.


Now I wonder what would have happend if instead of her I encountered one of my other non-prostitute "GTG" chicks? :cover:

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I have had similar experience 3 times. One was a girl I still email and we would go out without sex quite a bit, some time with tho. The other two were girls I have gone with more than once, but not what I would call regular. All 3 time there was a glint of recognition at first then total detchemnt. It could never have been notice by anyone else. They are amazingly descrete.


In Pattaya with GF we went to the outside Carousel bar. The GF thought it was neat to be spinning around. The girl waiting on us was a girl I had taken about 3 times before. She just pretended she was meeting me for the first time. The cashier and a few of the other girls know me, all played dumb. When I went back there a few weeks later, alone, I had to buy more than one LD I can asure you. All were proud of themselves, and I was apreciative.

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Not sure if it matters whether one, both, or neither are p4p or gtg. I guess it depends on the relationship(s) you have with the respective gals...and the circumstances in which your company with "another" is perceived.


And, yes, BKK *can* be small. Had a similar encounter a few years back at JJ Market. Took the previous night's barfine out to the market and was strolling around. Behind me I hear my name being called--by a female voice with quite an American accent ! :: I didn't stop; didn't turn around; but I *know* my heart almost froze! Kept walking, but the voice kept getting louder, closer, and more insistent. I mean, I had to be the only guy in the market with my name. Finally, I couldn't ignore it anymore. I stopped and turned around. There was a former bg I'd taken out 2 years before...and accompanied by her mother, aunt, cousin and infant son! She'd gotten out of the biz shortly after I met her and married a USA guy (explaining the accent). I explained to her why I hadn't stopped and she got a big laugh...as did her mother and aunt (and my escort). Now, it might've been different had the relationship not been the same as it was with both gals.

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It is a small place. I've walked into a bar with my girlfriend, to be discreetly blanked by one of my regulars, only to learn that the gf knows already because a) She knows my tastes and B) The girl comes from the same village as her and went to the same school, a year below. And the girl hangs out with my girlfriend's brother. :doah:


Generally though, the chance meeting is a good indicator of a girl's class. I hate the ones who have to leave a little calling sign, fully knowing the havoc it's going to cause.

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>Suddenly my heart started pounding and my "fight or flight" instincts went into frenzy mode. Directly in my path heading towards me was one of my favorite P4P girls. <


Happened to me too, a few month ago. Walking towards Sukhumvit near asok, with my falang wife who was over here for a few weeks. Almost empty footpath, then directly towards me walks my favourite P4P girl from midnite!


Shock horror, paralysis. She recognised me from a distance, and had a hint of a smile on her face. She did look at us while passing, but without giving any sign of recognition.


I did visit her bar a few days later on my own, to thank her. She wagged her finger at me, and laughed . A tip was indeed due. I am impressed by the professionalism. She's the one I compare a lot to Turk's 'Nam', but she didn't use this situation to create the havoc she could have.

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I've had this happen to me more times than I can count while out with the wife. Never once has a girl ever given me more than a knowing smile. It seems that most of the P4P girls have an amazing professionalism if you are honest with them about being married or having a GF.



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I tell all of them that I have a GF. Even if I didn't they wouldn't believe me. All the chicks think I have several GF's anyway. I guess when your mobile keeps going off afer all of the entertainment spots close and your patiently explaining(telling lies) to the caller that your farang friends(imaginary) are forcing you to go and hunt for some after hours watering holes, all the while motioning to the chick to keep quiet. Well you have no choice but to be honest about having a GF.

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is discretion really that priceless or necessary? :rolleyes:

ok I'll admit I was once made a bit uncomfortable as I for whatever freakin reason took my NBG to south PTY where we stumbled across an 'old' BG friend of mine in the lucifer disco...

the BG came up to me & did a bit of smalltalk & upon exiting I told her I'll be in touch once I've sent the GF back to work in bangers :p

actually I never saw her & the GF never made a big deal out of it just mumbled something about me having many friends in PTY... :drunk:

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is discretion really that priceless or necessary? :rolleyes:




If you are married, or in a serious relationship, then yes it is. It's not the same thing if you are out with your BG (or NBG) flavor of the week and run into last week's girl. Then, there's a potential for some shit to hit the fan.


If a BG knows that you are married or have a serious GF, but just like to play around, they tend to show amazing discretion and it's highly appreciated.



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ib13 said:

is discretion really that priceless or necessary? :rolleyes:


I don't know what you do in LOS or where you hang out and the type of relationships you have but for a guy like me discretion is very important because I like to mess around quite a bit. I don't like public embarassment for myself or for those I am involved with.


Now of course I bring all of these things upon myself because I mess around a bit but when you deal with people who can be discrete you appreciate it.


BTW- You did something I wouldn't do. I would not bring a NBG that I am involved with to an obvious P4P place that I frequent. I don't like to mix the worlds like that.

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