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Anguished and Depressed


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Hi All,

First, I'd like to say that I hope I've chosen the correct forum to post this in. I did search around, this one seemed most appropriate. Sorry, Moderator, if I made a mistake!


Anyway, since I'm talking to the boys at the bar here, I'll get started with it.


To the point, I'm undersized. From what I've read on the Internet, by Caucasian standards I am smaller than average, not by a great deal, but undeniably so.


I have felt inferior for a long time about this, I've even rejected girls by telling them in all sincerity that they wouldn't like me because I've got a small dick. That's how far it goes.


However, I did discuss this with a Thai BG and her advice was this: 1. You've got a dick. 2. It works fine, therefore you can enjoy sex, so stop thinking negatively and concentrate on having fun with girls. Her positive logic stayed with me, I followed her advice (although she did admit she likes BIG dicks...)


Now, I don't know if this matters, but FYI I'm not based in the LOS, however there is no shortage of women where I am. A friend of mine and I both see the same girl, she's my favorite. He, however, is BIG (He told me the girls often compare his dick to their forearm or wrist, there's no way I match up to that!)


The girl my friend and I both see is really beautiful, and she also provides consistently excellent service, IMO. That's why she appeals to me. Personality-wise, however, she's a no-nonsense type. She doesn't joke around or (thank God) play stupid games, she just gets to it.


Last night, I was hanging out with my above mentioned friend, and I mentioned something about her, we sometimes do talk a bit about her as we both know her. He was somewhere between his 6th and 8th beer, I guess, but he said about her 'She loves me.' I looked at him and he corrected himself, saying 'She loves to see me.' While I have no complaint about her, I can't say I get the same vibe off of her. Don't get confused, this is not about love or any emotion like that.


So, to conclude:


1. I don't feel I can see her anymore. If I did, I'd have his words in my head, and I don't think I'd enjoy being with her under those circumstances. Although she hasn't done anything wrong (In fact, she does everything right!) her income may suffer as a result- I can't be sure about that, but I know I've seen her a lot, and tip her consistently and generously, too. So, I've lost my favorite.


2. I feel badly about what he said- He is aware of our size difference because we've discussed it. I also know he isn't as generous as I am, so it seems to me that if she 'loves to see him' it can only be because of the difference in dick size. My friend and I are the same age. So I feel he was thoughtless and insensitive to make the comment he did. And I do feel hurt.


3. As to me, what can I do? Nothing, it seems. I can't change my dick size, I have to live with what I was born with. But I avoid committed relationships entirely, first because I've (frankly) had my heart broken once too often, but also because I sincerely believe no woman is going to be satisfied with an undersized dick- sooner or later she will stray, and I don't need to go through that.


4. I don't believe dick size is the one and only factor involved here. Other factors could be good looks and good sexual skills with women. BUT I do think that you can have everything going for you, but if you don't have a big dick, your looks and your skills are worth nothing. And I think that's the way women see it too. Every woman wants a guy with a big dick, period.


5. Yes, I know that in the end, it's all about money, so I don't need to be reminded of that!


I'm interested to hear from those who know. You got a big dick and know clearly about the role that plays in your relationships? Tell me about it. You got a small dick and feel the same way I do, or differently? If you feel differently, please tell me why. Thanks to all for your time! Last but not least, is there REALLY such a thing as a dick that is TOO big? She can't get too much of a good thing, or can she? :dunno:

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Savittre said:

Every woman wants a guy with a big dick, period.

Hi savittre,

Maybe this is true in their dreams - same as they all want a guy with a Ferrari. In reality, they will settle for a Ford if the many other factors involved are OK. I am no psychiatrist, but you obviously have a hang up about this that is damaging your life. Try and find a cure because objectively you are making it into something far too important.


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I am smaller than average, not by a great deal, but undeniably so.


Well, still big enough to satisfy women, so don't worry to much and enjoy you have one. Lots of guys seem to love big tits (however, me not included) and lots of them will settle for smaller ones. Bigger may be nicer to them, but smaller are definitely enjoyable too.


I sincerely believe no woman is going to be satisfied with an undersized dick- sooner or later she will stray, and I don't need to go through that.


Believe me, straying has nothing to do with dick size. They may give you this as the 'obvious' reason but that is bullshit. So don't worry about that and stop blaming your willy.

Nobody's perfect. Be optimistic and proud about yourself, and go out and enjoy the both of 'you' :)

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Dicks come in all shapes and sizes and I don't think that most girls really care that much about dick size. Ever hear the saying "It's not the sixe, it's how you use it"? There are also other ways to please a woman, so maybe you can even things out by paying more attention to foreplay.


Anyway, in a true relationship, what's in your heart and mind counts far more that what's in your pants. In regards to P4P girls, I would bet that most girls would actually prefer guys with smaller dicks ("mai jep"). One advantage to being in Asia is the girls are smaller and even "small" Farangs can be big for them. At least that's what the girls tell me :).



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This is a really common hang-up with us guys.


Do yourself a favour and stop beating yourself up over it - find a female friend that you trust and have a chat with her about it. They aren't that bothered, you know.


If it really worries you, and it seems to, then have a chat with your doctor and he/she will put you straight.


Your friend has been rather insensitive in my opinion, but remember that women are an odd lot, by and large, and she could have any number of reasons to prefer him over you. ( If she even does - she may be giving him the "love you too mutt" line to get money out of him....)


You seem like a decent bloke - learn to see in yourself the qualities that others do - and try not to concentrate too much on what you see as your failings. It's a lesson that's helped me in the past....







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Cheer up buddy, and don't worry too much about what other people may think, it is what you think that counts, and maybe another stab at a serious relationship with a lady you love, and who loves you, will make all the difference in the world.


I know a lot of women, and they gab a lot, what they say are that the men with big dicks are lousy lovers, and the ones less endowed are more into the making love, romancing style, which is much more satisfying.


Talk to your doctor, and don't be surprised if he wants you to see a therapist about your insecurity, that may be all you need to overcome this, and do not do anything drastic!!


Take Care!

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maybe you should start off by hanging with friends who do not make you feel bad about yourself?


i had a mate with a huge dick, pornstar size. but he had some problems getting it up. and then, he was rather limited in his options - lots of girls refused to do lots of pleasurable things with him... :o

i can only say that i am perfectly comfortable with my rather average sized willy (if my balls wouldn't just hang so low :onfire: ...ever sat on your balls? :doah::eek:).


if it ain't broken - why fix it. :)

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Be happy with what you have... Somebody somewhere will have lost the use of their legs today, or lost their sight, or worse...


So what if your penis is slightly smaller than average, its your head you need to sort out not your small penis... blunt advice but there's nothing in it for you by people beating round the bush and wallowing with you in your self doubts.



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