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Yes or No?

Fiery Jack

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Hell no, I anit falling for that one again Jack! I remember the last time you tried that...both pissed out of our gourds near Sapan Kwai, had taken in a few liters of Lao Khao with Beer Chang chaser, and a bottle of Mekong to clear the taste...as I recall, I woke up out in Bangkok Noi, with a large hairy botched Katoey street name of Greta, half her teeth in mouth, other half in a jar ready to show...stunk like hell, had one eye, and a tatto on the lfet ass cheek which read "in case of fire, pull handle" so you see my apprehension in saying yes to you a second time...? Otherwise, it was a memorable evening ones the swelling and itch went away...

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