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Thais need Hiv tests for passport?


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I have lost mates, my best friend has AIDS, now - if the anti viral stuff doesn;t work, how come he is alive and surving, pretty well too with the better new drugs, whereas those before him didn't have $ or time (before AZT) to get them and died miserable horrible deaths!


One friend of mine, whose boyfriend infected here, was so ashamed we didn't know she was dying till we got the invitiation to the funeral, she hid from us the last 6 months of her life.


She had nothing to be ashamed of, but sad anyway!



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maybe instead of reading all the websites and articles you should get to know people with AIDS. i don't read any of those papers, neither the virusmyth ones, nor the conservative ones. i do not have the scientific background to understand them.

what i understand is what i see. and what i see is relatively simple to understand:


people get diagnosed with HIV, and then they get AIDS. if they do not take antiretrovirals, they die miserably. if they take antiretrovirals, they get better, and live a nearly normal life.


i do not know a single medical professional dealing directly with research or care in the field of AIDS who believes in the AIDS myth.


so, you want to know about AIDS - start at the bottom - at the people who are infected. not so difficult, because there are many of them. and then you don't need any scientific background to see that most of the statements of the virus myth people are utter rubbish.

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It is always sad when relatives and loved ones die of disease. Several years ago I lost a sister-in-law to the ravages of breast cancer. She took all the treatments that the doctors offered her,

including chemo. She succumbed after ten years of battling the disease. Her sister also died of the same disease. However, her sister declined medical treatment (other than pain killers) and lasted about the same duration (ten years) without medical treatment. Is this true anecdote scientifically relevant? No way, because the sample size of two patients is too small. If the sample size had been 10,000, the data might have been valid. I think we need to be careful when we hear anecdotes about various diseases, and assume because the anecdote is true, that

we can extrapolate it to the rest of the population. I would like to see open minded scientists do studies on AIDS, funded by the government, even though they might not agree with the Gallo theory.



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the validity of antiretrovirals is not just founded on "anectdotal" evidence. especially here in thailand, where tenthousands are nowadays already on free antiretrovirals, and get better. and you can easily observe that as well.


i have had far too many relatives die of AIDS in the last years, and can finally with the event of antiretrovirals here see friends and relatives with exactly the same conditions get better. this is not just anecdotal - exactly the same results will be given to you by every single healthprofessional - from researcher to doctors to nurses.

don't inform yourself from websites you have no capacity to veryfie - inform yourself from people who deal with AIDS directly. go and visit the MSF office here, listen to what they have to say. go and visit village hospitals who deal with AIDS patients. speak with patients and listen what they say about antiretrovirals.

and then come again.

because, if you dissuade only one infected from taking antiretrovirals using your virusmyth website as evidence without ever having had any other contact with the reality of AIDS - you'll become a murderer.

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Thanks for the replies about the passport issue. Auricman, thanks again for the support. I don?t think this is the right topic if you want to argue about Hiv causing Aids. Let?s go back to the ?Have you ever had a Hiv test? thread. I don?t have time to spend endless hours on this, and I only get to the web every few days, and it?s easier to keep it in one thread.


Fly, I respect your opinion but you are indeed only citing anecdotes: more on this in the "Have you ever had a Hiv test? thread.

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>>>but you are indeed only citing anecdotes<<<



better then citing romors, and from websites which propagate opinions which are refuted by every single AIDS specialist i have ever met.

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>I don?t have time to spend endless hours on this,


Excuse me????


After having posted this in the other thread??


>Josh Ingu has made 648 posts to this board, most recently on such topics as ?Help with nude Thai girl friend,? ?Are ex-whoremongers hypocrites?" And ?Can whoremongers spell?? Yes, he?s too busy with ?pressing work? to respond when I expose his gross errors on a critically important life or death subject!


So you are a hypocrite on top of everything else.


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The whole arguement seems to be that "Pneumonia, cancer, some other sypathetic disease" is what eventually kills someone so these nutters claim "AIDS doesn't kill" Maybe it doesn't kill, but it weakens the body to the point where anything will kill you, including incredably rare cancer that no one had seen much off!


Sorry, all the myth mongers here and in the other thread, you may be "Technically" right in AIDS doesnt kill, but its destroyed many mates of mine so they did die, along came AZT etc, and the survivors stopped dying.


In a car crash, a person looses a huge amount of blood, arrives at the hospital, later dies, was it the car crash or the loss of blood. either way, ther're dead,


Not very scientific, but hey - I do know people with this, did know people.


As far as i am concerned AIDS does kill.


DOG - growling

PS - No need for AIDS test for passport, first answer to your question who evver asked it.

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