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1000 dogs saved


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Yer dog is of course, like that other flea ridden pest the cat a completely unatural freak of nature bred by man from the wolf, not the cat of course. These horrible slobbering pathetic creatures are probably best eaten. When not savaging passers by they are indoors farting and standing in front of the telly. They cover the pavements in shit and keep the neighbours awake by barking.Why people have the bloody things I'll never underatand, something to boss about/child substitutes/guard dogs seem the most popular excuses. Mao had the right idea - get rid of the lot of 'em. People are strange, most 'animal lovers' do in fact eat them in one form or another, why are some animlas deemed fit to be strung up and murdered while others not?-peter

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Oh, you mean actual real dogs? :rolleyes: I thought this thread was going to be about the rumoured proposed closure of Soi 7 beergarden and the potentially devastating redundancy prospects for the hookers who tout for business there. ::


I wondered why it wasn't in 'Nightlife'. :clown:


jack :help:


PS. My old dad, in rare moments of sobriety, :drunk: used to warn me never to set foot in the "Sik Tek Fuk" Chinky takeaway on Burlsem High street because the health inspectors had raided it once and found dead rats and half an alsatian in the freezer. :down:

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