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Rape of Nanking, the forgotten Holocaust


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>>>only this week an Irish lady was killed by muslim terrorists. <<<



and a bit over a century and a half ago about 25% of the irish population staved to death thanks to the civilised brits. no muslims involved, i am afraid.




>>>Roma gypsies, why does everybody hate them and its not just because they chose to live in a caravan . <<<


ah, yeah, right, that is of course a perfectly acceptable reason to send them off to the gas chambers in nazi germany. no muslims and other non westerners involved, i am afraid.



>>>>South American, the true banana republics, dont local business men in Brazil, Mexico et al pay to have street kids desposed of? <<<


the continent where the US has installed one brutal dictator after the other, has sponsored countless civil wars and insurgencies. the continent where barely 500 years ago the spanish and portugese (westerners, the last time i looked) slaughtered the whole aboriginal population in the name of christianity and the greed for gold.




>>>I could go on, hard to blame the nasty west for everything, if the west is all so bad why do all those poor oppressed people want to come to Europe and the states? <<<


because the west is rich. and not to a small amount thanks to centuries of aggressive wars.

yeah, but go on, and don't forget the opium wars and the british contribution to spreading opium all over the area here, being the first large scale industrial producers and dealers of opium.



see, my point is that humans are nasty all over, opposing to yours, which desperately tries to seek examples in history that supports your agenda to show that everybody is inferior to the west, especially your country/culture.

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Guest lazyphil

<<and a bit over a century and a half ago about 25% of the irish population staved to death thanks to the civilised brits. no muslims involved, i am afraid. >>


Those upper class Brits (maybe German desended!!) were as bad to low class inpoverished Brits also. And the Irish immigrants in America had a reputation for hating black Americans, and so it goes on..........The British Empire gave the world Cricket loved by Pakistanis, Jamaicans, Indians etc etc...pretty good testiment to our culture ::

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>>>The British Empire gave the world Cricket loved by Pakistanis, Jamaicans, Indians etc etc...pretty good testiment to our culture <<<



sod off with your frigging cricket!

pakisthani police tortured me once! unbearable - i had to watch four (!) hours of that game. nearly bored me to death! ::




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pattaya127 said:

My father asked my wife who the Viets dislike most, Americans or French (with background of the wars in Viet Nam). The reply was clear - the French


You need to clarify that. this is a loaded question. Viets definitely should blame the french first for colonializing them, makes sense. but i sense your wife gave a logical histoircal reply. After all the french left in 54, De Gaulle subsequently, constantly warned the US not to get involved thinking they could keep 2 vietnams and win the war manu military.

I really doubt, that post-54 history, viets have more to blame the french than the americans.



Its your and my country which stuffed as many slaves as we could into ships


without the very active collaboration and greed of african kingdoms, the slave trade would not have been possible. European slavers mostly stayed along the coast, and slaves were delivered and sold to them by africans.

If you study the history of black slavery, you will see that slaves were coming from deep inside the continent, from places where eurpeans hardly venture into. It was truly a supply and demand trade, not the take-over of african countries to bleed them off their populations by omnipotent europeans.

My guess about the French is that they, as the Chinese before them stayed much longer than the Americans. So dislike/hate grew over time, and it does get passed on in generations. My wife comes from the North, the impact from the war vs US was strong - but short. Also, the US never occupied the North.


They dislike the Chinese more than the French BTW, but at the same time Viet Nam has been so integrated with China over centuries that Chinese culture is strong there.


This doesn't mean that my wife is rude towards French in any way, but she is extremely sensitive of any behaviour from them which she can interpret (rightly or not) as arrogance.

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pattaya127 said:

Its your and my country which stuffed as many slaves as we could into ships


without the very active collaboration and greed of african kingdoms, the slave trade would not have been possible. European slavers mostly stayed along the coast, and slaves were delivered and sold to them by africans.

If you study the history of black slavery, you will see that slaves were coming from deep inside the continent, from places where eurpeans hardly venture into. It was truly a supply and demand trade, not the take-over of african countries to bleed them off their populations by omnipotent europeans.

The slave trade took a different turn when the Europeans got involved into Africa to ship slaves to America on a huge scale because of the demand for labour there. It got into an industry, where countries who didn't even have any trade or history in Africa got involved. Norway, Denmark..


Sure, slave trade wasn't invented by the Europeans. Its known on all continents. We vikings did our share in raids upon England a long time ago also. Usually, it was a result of wars, or limitted raids. But what happened in Africa stands out, and I don't buy the line blame the Africans themself.


What I replied to what this from STH:


"Sukumvit, I think we in the west forget how civilsed we are. The slave trade is still alive and kicking in the Sudan, indeed that has been the hub since history began. "


Do you agree with his words?

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and I don't buy the line blame the Africans themself.


there's no buying or not any line, I just think if we care about the inhumanity of that trade, one should read about it, and not try to lay a blame first and foremost as an excuse not to read about its history. If you study it in college, you would not expect the professor to close the book and just say "course over, the eurpeans did it", that's what I mean.


It's also the europeans who ended it, but it kept on in Africa.


AS for french and Vietnam, well, your wife is something else, she seems to react viscerally about a lot of nationals, I know that when i was in Vietnam, just the fact of saying i was french opened up people, and God, were they happy to speak french, the older ones. It was incredible to be able to be on the other side of the world and talk about french stuff these people had never forgotten, and were also quite proud to have been exposed to and learnt (french literrature, above all). Why invite us daily, why take care of us constantly, otherwise?


I saw an american guy come over to a monk we were speaking to, and telling him he was here 30 years ago, and absolutely nothing else to talk about but that war. the monk did not know what to make of it, and afterwards, was asking us why americans always seem so upset and keep talking about war, but quickly, we went back to talking about Champagne and bordeaux (the regions too!), which we wished we'd have brought a bottle to him.

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pattaya127 said:


AS for french and Vietnam, well, your wife is something else, she seems to react viscerally about a lot of nationals, I know that when i was in Vietnam, just the fact of saying i was french opened up people, and God, were they happy to speak french, the older ones.

The question my wife replied to was about Viets, not about her personally. I trust her judgement on that. She has French friends also BTW, and would never tell them openly about her personal view.


The North is very different from the South, so the correct would be to say that she represents a North Viet view. And sure its not shared by all. I've also met an elderly gentleman in Hanoi who spoke warmly about his time as a civil servant under the French, and travelling to France.


Viets in general are very friendly. Its very weird to see all the propaganda from the government with posters portraying fists vs. B52 planes etc. The media are still focused on Viet war. At the same time, this doesn't affect people.


When it comes to what happens in Africa, ist very hard to change the course of countries who have been stuck in poverty and ravaged by war constantly. I agree, its not all the Europeans fault but we bear a huge responsibility.


You didn't reply if you agreed with STH's words that we Europeans forget how civilized we are? Thats what triggered my post, which you disagreed with.

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