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Another worthless waste of cash


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Kind of reminds me of this big Buddha that was just built in the Golden Triangle. They put it up pretty quick because it wasn't there when I visited six months ago now it is complete. For the life of me I don't know why they built it.


Makes you wonder who controls the concrete business. :dunno:

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No I wouldn't turn the Louvre into a shopping centre but I might get rid of that stupid glass pyramid thingy !


Now a large open bar are in St Peter's Square could be a winner. I could sell beer and forgiveness at the same time. Not sure whether I could get away with a bar with cut outs or barbers chairs though !!


Seriously though, I don't care if some person wants to build a great big concrete pile of crap if they pay for it and the money was honestly earned through legitimate business. It does piss me off that 3rd world countries keep wasting cash on all kinds of useless and unnecessary things when their (the country's) people have very little.


Thailand does not need any more temples, palaces or concrete monuments to long dead rulers. It needs action and cash to educate its people and help them to earn their way out of poverty.

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"No I wouldn't turn the Louvre into a shopping centre but I might get rid of that stupid glass pyramid thingy !"


My, my... there appears to be good reasons why some people are NOT involved in city planning.

About religious monuments I pretty much agree with you though. But isn't it the main purpose of religious hype to help people endure their miserable life- and keep them from contesting the human powers that be? It makes sense then to surround them wih places of worships

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But in a country overrun by monuments to this and that I hardly think the Thais need another one. I mean, I've got 3 temples in one of my bars and one in another. I don't want them but I have to pay for all the fruit and whisky that buddah neither wants to eat or drink each day !

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torrenova said:



Thailand does not need any more temples, palaces or concrete monuments to long dead rulers. It needs action and cash to educate its people and help them to earn their way out of poverty.


Can`t really disagree with you on that one.

But hey, it is their country. ::

Some goes with the Tham Bun thing, making of merit. Invariably, just about everything connected to making merit is donated to a temple.

Sure some of it goes to good purposes, but my guess is it is only a fraction.

And besides, the general Somchai`s idea of making merit is to buy this orange-colored plastic bucket of household stuff to offer to the monks. Can`t really see how that benefits anybody than the monks.

In my book making merit would mean donating to the ones who are in need.



Hua Nguu

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