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My Myanmar friend


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I won't name the bar as it'd be unfair to the lady involved.


An extraordinary experience was attained by yours truly last night. This bar, a good one in Soi Cowboy, is posessed of a young lady who must be 18 or 19, small thin and dark and with the best non surgically enhanced breasts I have ever seen. This is not the drinks talking. These are great, I stil want them. As it happens she was very hestitant when dancing, retired to a dark corner when not on stage, and the mamasan had to verbally remonstrate with her to take her top off when the rest of the girls had. So as magnificent as this girl was, I could get not eye contact and I guessed it was her 1st or 2nd night, might have a look again tonight.


Meanwhile, back in the seating area, a nice little older girl had sidled up and was making all the right moves and noises and curiously, though quite beautiful, wore no makeup. I haven't come across a BG with no makeup before, intriguing.


So by now the alcohol was kicking in and I took slightly older girl with me, this is where interesting things start happening. When bar fined she turned up in a plain white T shirt and those black peasant pants that rice farmers et al seem to favour. Well at least she didn't look like a BG.


Went to a few ot her bars on the way home and the one they call uncooked leather, had some shows that would have been banned at Pat Pong, with cigarettes, bottles candles and lotsa other things. About 10 - 10:30.


Before we finally set off home I was looking at this girls countenance and thought to myself, this doesn't look like a BG. So I asked, "you have ID?", "Oh..." and not much searching in the little string bag (note not a handbag), "I leave at home". OK she's got no ID.


" I not Myanmar ". "I never suggested you were young lady, why would you make such an association?".This went over her head.


She'd had two beers, now it time to rush to the loo, hand over mouth, returning somewhat refreshed 15 minutes later.


Ahh hell, she was attractive and resisting my urge to dump her, I thought she looked like she needed a good feed, so we went to the noodle stall but she didn't want to eat there, took it back to the hotel. Clear up no ID thing with night staff - no problem.


She was a good girl, ate up all her noodles. Then the shower, after which she took her now washed clothes and hung them on the balcony. "Why you wash clothes?", "I no shower 2 days". Charming, oh well she was clean now I guess.


Well the performance was good, if a little desperate around the edges.


I gave something extra, for some more clothes, and saw her off in the morning. I hope she gets some lodgings and some more custom.





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Went back last night to see the girl with the best tits in the world, but she wasn't there unfortunately.


The Myanmar lady was there, resplendant in new makeup, earings, high heels that she was having trouble dancing in, and a brand new dance outfit. I asked her what she did that day, she said that she'd tried to sleep but couldn't, I wonder if she's got a place to stay yet.





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Seems like you have cracked it for a decent sort of "leave pass". Straight after the upcountry wedding too !!! How did you manage to escape???

I can usually get a week or 10 days each trip, but it sounds like you've really hit the jackpot !!!


Chock dee Dumsoda

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I'm at the airport now, on my way back to the land of beautiful scenery and women that look like Jonahh Lomu.


My leave pass was for Cambodia, some of my time was spent there.





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