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50% of gogo girls HIV?


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"...So if you know the bar owner, what policy for STD-testing the bar has and finally checking her face for herpes you're in a much better position..."


I really can't trust the bar owners to police themselves with this. The only time I could see it being an issue would be if the girl was visbaly sick, or if there was a complaint made by a customer who caught an STD.


There is a well known case of a welcome girl from s very well known bar on Soi cowboy who was HIV positive for a few years, then went full blown AIDS, still worked until maybe a month before she died. Official story was hit by a car up country, official story from the girls, and a few who knew her will was AIDS, which she supposedly caught from her heavily tattooed/pierced German Boy friend. She was heavily peirced as well as I recall, maybe a Tattoo or 2 as well... Basically, the bar knew and let her keep working anyway...I am sure similar stories in other bars as well...

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The UN data suggests that the 50% figure is way too high. I recall seeing an article about 3 years back about a US company (spin off from Genetech I think) that wanted to test a possible AIDS vaccine here. To keep the costs of the test down, they wanted a group where the prevalance of HIV is very high so that they keep the population they were testing down. They also wanted to avoid intravanoues drug users because of the obvious problems associated with that group. They decided to target commercial sex workers for their tests.


When they started collecting data, however, they discovered that the incidence of HIV among commercial sex workers was much lower than they originally thought, which meant that they either needed a much larger population of commercial sex workers or use intravanoues drug users to test the hoped for vaccine. Both options involved substantially higher costs than anticipated. The article was interesting because it provided a bit of insight into the economics of drug testing and it suggested that the HIV rate among commecial sex workers is not as high as many people might commonly assume. I don't recall a number being mentioned, but if it was as high as 50%, they wouldn't have had any problems testing the vaccine on a small group of commercial sex workers.

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WOuldn't the use of condoms throw off the results? I mean how could they tell if it was condom usage or the vaccine which was preventing the virus...? Hence, they would then perhapes be encouraging the lack of condom usage, which would increase the risk of other STDs...


I did see in the SFO paper, that a vaccine for Herpes (not sure which type) either is available, or will be soon...likewise, they expect an Aids and Hepetitus C vaccine soon. Will be good!

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I have never heard conclusivly of any bar owner in S.C or Nana that EVER had all his girls tested for any STD's, much less HIV. Does anybody on this forum have first hand knowledge of any bar owner who actually does this?? I think the idea that you are somehow "safer" with a girl out of an established GoGo is totally unsupported. I have asked BG's, and have never had one respond that she had been required to undergo any sort of STD test as a condition of employment.

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I've seen in Pattaya a small book which I think the thai authorities have given to sex workers - at least that was the explanation I got. In this government clinics stamp after examinations/tests (every month?). In my friend's bar she also asks for other tests - some every month, some every 2 weeks and has decided which private clinic to use so they not use one of those where the result always is satisfactory. Girls not following the rules are kicked out from her bar. Sure she has a long queue of waiting Isaan girls so she can do like this.


BTW thai authorities have also arranged english education for bar girls in Pattaya.

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sounds like nonsense, girls are joining and leaving the bar scene every month so how could they come up with such a figure.

its prolly 1-2% i would guess .

and they prolly got it off their thai pimp not a farang .

very few bars enforce rigidly HIV testing .

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