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Riding Out Katrina


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From the blog cited by suadum above. The guy was a doctor and disaster relief specialist.


"Late leaving precinct tonight. MANDATORY evacuation started and some residents are objecting. One block from precinct, standoff between "group" of armed holdouts and Marines. Came inside to find verbal, but unarmed civilian yelling at precinct captain over evac order. We finally got out through neighborhood cops said to drive quickly through w/o stopping.


I suspected Fox "News" was playing up crime to make blacks look scary. I was wrong. If anything, news coverage is underplayed. Yesterday, my ambulance guys were in the Quarter taking sniper fire from all around. Today, Quarter is secured by Army with APC's at most intersections.


If anyone criticises the NOPD, I may poke them in the eye. They did the best they could with their entire infrastructure GONE. "



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Are you certain that these guys were Army? A Battalion of SEASONED Marines came through here on their way to New Orleans. The spent the Night at an Air Force Base near me. I was told that the orders came from Washington to stop the BS.


Makes no sense to shoot at the ones trying to Help you! But I do not doubt that they were getting shot at.


This has unraveled a lot of Racial tensions that we should not have 50 years after Selma. I have friends of ALL colors and will not be around people of all colors. I may be wrong but I think each race has Good and Bad in its ranks.

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Hugh_Hoy said:

Khun JJ...being retired, I have six Saturdays and a Sunday each week. Needless to say, I could draw pictures for you 'til I ran out of Crayons. However, I don't think it would help. And I know how you like to have the last word; so go for it. :)


Hoping that somebody is cuddling you, reassuring you, and leading you so that you don't walk off a cliff or fall out of a window,


Hugh (mak)


Sorry I missed this post of yours.


Seems Hugh you have no basis for an argument or even intelligent debate. You cannot defend the immediate lack of federal repsonse to the situation. You can't even defend te lack of leadership by our President.

No one in his right mind can argue that this event was not of national signifigance. Not even the Karl Rove spin machine can shrug this off. Yet you somehow won't use the "right" part of your mind and insist on saying that this event is the responsibility of the States involved. What you demonstrate is a clear lack of comprehension of how Federal and State politics work on every level especially in regards to money flows, budgets, pork, votes, lobbying, etc. You also seem to lack a clear understanding of what is an isolated local event and what is a national crisis.


I can most assuredly state that you have no clue of what America wants to see in a leader during a time of national crisis. Neither does George Bush for that matter. They want instant action in saving American lives not someone looking at the scene while flying over the devastation in Air Force One on his way back from vacation and they definitely don't want to see the national leader blaming local politicians while people are still dying.


BTW- I like crayons the colors stimulate the eyes and the brain. Go ahead and draw me some colored pictures. I am sure they use this effectively as a form of therapy at the retiree home in which you stay.


BBTW - No need to respond to this post as you have graciously given me the last word. :grinyes:

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So, getting back somewhat on subject.


Ms. Rita is coming to town.


Is it better she hits Texas? Or better to hit New Orleans again? Nobody is there and they have to rebuilt it again, so it would be much lower cost/damage to destroy New Orleans again.


Looks like only a Cat 1 storm so far.



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To lighten things up a bit:


A journalist said at a White House press conference than Hurricane Katrina seemed to have exclusively occupied the administration's attention in recent weeks and asked President Bush if he had changed his position on Roe vs Wade (landmark Supreme Court abortion decision that gave women the right to choose).


Bush answered: "Row, wade, I don't care how people get out of New Orleans, as long as they do it."

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Imperial Rome had hundreds if not thousands of people following their armies who profited off what was left of the cities they sacked. Not much has changed in modern times. Companies have always made money off tragedies. There is an industry dedicated to putting out oil well fires. You think they would love a world without oil well fires? ::


Hurricane Andrew had a long list of companies that were trying to get in on the 'gravy train'. One can only hope its done on merit, there is an open bidding system and no politics are involved....as I said, we can hope. It won't be that way though, sadly.


At least some of the politically connected companies are coming under some attention. There was this unsaid, unwritten rule for years between the two parties that when one of their own are head of a corporation or lobby group, they be given access. Haliburton, with Cheney in charge, made a lot with government contracts in the '90s. Surprising to some, it was during a Democratic administration. Quid pro quo...we have former Dept. of Treasury head Rubin (under Clinton), who left to take over Citigroup petition the Bush appointee to help out with Enron. Both parties are guilty of the same hypocracy. I may continue to vote 3rd party ad infinitum if stuff like this doesn't change.

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